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Rather, she gave me to understand that a way would be found to release Mrs. Montoyo from Benton connections, but that no woman in Utah is obliged to marry. Is that true?" "Um-m." Jenks rubbed his beard. "Wall, they do say Brigham Young is ag'in promisc'yus swappin', and things got to be done straight, 'cordin' to the faith. But an unjined female in the church is a powerful lonely critter.

"I have business with Captain Adams, and he with me," I replied. "As probably you know. Since he sent you, I shall consider myself under arrest; but I will return of my own free will as soon as Mrs. Montoyo is safe." "Under arrest? For what?" He blankly eyed me. "For killing that man, sir. Captain Adams' son. But I was forced to it I did it in self-defense.

The boys hate to see you lay down to that; for you'd better call him and eat lead or else quit the country. So you might as well give him a full dose and take the pot." "What pot?" "The woman, o' course." "I tell you, Mrs. Montoyo has nothing to do with it, any more than any woman. It's a matter between him and me he began it by jeering at me before she appeared. I want her left out of it."

Then that capper Jim led out and we all made a small winnin', to prove the system. And Montoyo, he gets tired o' losin' but still he's blind to a card that everybody else can see, and he calls for real play so he can go broke or even up. I didn't look for much of a deal on that throw myself. Usu'ly it comes less promisc'yus, with the gudgeon stakin' the big roll, and then I pull out.

Anyhow, to convert her out of sin, as they'd call it, and put her over into the company of the saints wouldn't be no bad deal, by their kind o' thinkin'. It's been done before, I reckon. Jest thought I'd warn you. She's made her own bed and if it's a Mormon bed she's well quit of Montoyo, that's sartin. Did you ever see the beat of that young feller on the draw?" "No," I admitted. "I never did."

I don't know what there's been between you and her, but the Mormon church is between you now and it's got the dead-wood on you. It's either that for her, or Montoyo. He knows; he's no fool and he'll take his time. So you'd better stick to mule-whacking and sowbelly." Still it was only decent that I should inquire after her. No Daniel and no "Bonnie Bravo" was going to shut me from my duty.

So I seated myself just behind Rachael. A moment of constraint seemed to fall upon the group. I broke it by my inquiry, addressed to a clean profile. "I came also to inquire after Mrs. Montoyo," I carefully said. "You have stood the journey well, this far, madam?" Daniel turned instantly. "Thar's no 'Mrs. Montoyo' in this camp, Mister. And I'll thank yu it's a name yu'd best leave alone."

Some o' the woman folks can take care of her." Captain Adams had been frowning sternly, his heavy face unsoftened. "Who are you, woman?" "I am the wife of a gambler named Montoyo." "Why come you here, then?" "He has been abusing me, and I shot him." "There is blood on your hands? Are you a murderess as well as a harlot?" "Shame!" cried voices, mine among them. "That's tall language."

Daniel had been disposed of, Montoyo did not deserve her; I had won her, she could inspire and guide me if I stayed; and I saw myself staying, and I saw myself going home, and I already regretted a host of things, as a man will when at the forking of the trails. The fog gently closed in during the night.

A panderer to the devil, a thief with painted card-boards, a despoiler of the ignorant, and a feeder to hell yea, a striker of women and a trafficker in flesh! Who are you, to think the name of the Lord's anointed? There she is, your chattel. Take her, or leave her. This train starts on in ten minutes." "I'll take her or kill her," Montoyo snarled.