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Daily, when he annoyed her while he was drunk. But sobered up, he seemed to wish to make amends." "Oh, Lord!" My friend's mouth gaped. "Amends? Yep. That's his nature. Might call it mendin' his pocket and his lip. And you don't yet savvy that your 'lady' 's Montoyo's wife his woman, anyhow?" "Montoyo? Who's Montoyo?" "The monte thrower. That same spieler who trimmed us," he rapped impatiently.

You but run great risk. Sister Edna will be happy." "Did she send you, madam?" I asked. "N-no; yes. Yes, she wishes it. Her place has been found. The Lord so wills. We all are happy in Zion, under the Lord. Surely you would not try to interfere, sir?" "I have no desire to interfere with the future happiness of Mrs. Montoyo," I stiffly answered.

The notion of her heading into the vastness and the gloom was appalling; the inertness of that increasing group, formed now of both men and women collected from all the camp, maddened. So I would have besought her, pleaded with her, faced Montoyo for her but a new voice mediated. "She shall stay, Hyrum? For the night, at least? I will look after her."

"Then we should but don't let's talk of that." "Then you should forget and I should return to Benton," she said. "I have decided. I should return to Benton, where Montoyo is, and maybe find another way. But I should not live with him; never, never! I should ask him to release me." "I, with you," I informed. "We should go together, and do what was best." "You would?

At the moment I thought how wise and brave and beautiful she was! Mine for the hour, here and after? Montoyo should never have her; not in life nor in death. "You must stop some of those fiends from sneaking closer," she counseled. "See? They're trying us out."

Why did I take you to his table? Because I think myself entitled, sir," she said on, bridling a little, defiant of my gaze, "to promote my friends when I have any. I did not mean that you should wager heavily for you. Montoyo is out for large stakes. There is safety in small and I know his system. You remember I warned you? I did warn you. I saw too late. You shall have all your money back again.

"Get you gone, meddle not hereabouts, and I'll see to it that you are spared from harm." Surprising myself, and perhaps him, I gazed full at him and laughed without reserve or irritation. "Thank you, Captain," I heard myself saying. "I am perfectly capable of self-protection. And I expect to remain a friend of Mrs. Montoyo as long as she permits me. For your bluster and Daniel's I care not a sou.

My fingers shook while with show of nonchalance I resumed adjusting the halters. "Gosh! Looked for a minute like you and him was to have it out proper," Jenks commented, matter of fact, when I came in. "Hazin' you a bit, was he? What'd he say?" "He warned me to keep away from Mrs. Montoyo. Went so far as to lay claim to her himself, the whelp. Boasted of it." "Throwed it in your face, did he?

The stage road south'ard is your best bet. You didn't think to stay, did you? Not after that after you'd plugged a Mormon, the son of the old man, besides! We reckoned you two had it arranged, by this time." "No! Never!" I protested. "You're crazy, man. I've never dreamed of any such thing; nor Mrs. Montoyo, either. You mean that I we should run away?

Montoyo, his eyes steady, scarcely changed expression. He let his revolver slip down into its scabbard. Then he smiled. "You have a pretty trick," he commented, relaxing. "Some day I'd like to test it out again. Just now I pass. Madam, are you coming?" "You know I'm not," she uttered clearly. "Your choice of company is hardly to your credit," he sneered. "Or, I should say, to your education.