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Updated: August 11, 2024

Now, I don't object to havin' a conversational gum drop tossed at me once in a while, sort of offhand and casual. But that ain't Mrs. Buttinski's method. She feeds you raw molasses with a mixin' spoon. Just smears you with it. "Isn't it perfectly wonderful," says she, waddlin' in fussy, "that your dear darling little son should be two years old? Do you know, Mrs.

She wasn't in with the Country Club set, and most of the young married crowd seemed to pass her up too. I didn't know why. Guess I hadn't thought much about it. I knew she'd lost her father and mother within the last year or so, so I expect I put it down to that as the reason she wasn't mixin' much. But Vee has all the inside dope. Seems old man Gray had been a chronic invalid for years.

'Kinraid, if ta doesn't come and see me afore thou'rt many days ouder, thee and me'll have words. Come, Sylvie, what art ta about, keepin' me here? Here's Mistress Corney mixin' me another jorum. Well, this time a'll give "T' married happy, and t' single wed!"

Fadeaway laughed and turned toward the bar. "Ought to hand him one, but he's all in now, I reckon. That's what a fella gets for mixin' up with kids. Set 'em up, Joe." Left to himself Corliss stared about stupidly. Then he started for the doorway. As he passed Fadeaway, the latter turned and seized his arm. "Come on up and forget it, Billy. You and me's friends, ain't we?"

"Mixin' up religion, with a little wholesome fun, is the only way you can serve it to boys, like Nickey, and get results. Boys that are ever goin' to amount to anything are too full of life to stand 'em up in a row, with a prayer book in one hand and a hymnal in the other, and expect 'em to sprout wings. It can't be done. Keep a boy outside enough and he'll turn out alright.

Put him on th' Ar-rchey Road, an' he'd be deliverin' ye a lecture on th' sin iv thinkin' ye're able to overcome th' pride iv th' flesh, as Father Kelly says. Two weeks ago I looked with contimpt on Hinnissy f'r an' because he'd not even promise to fast an' obstain fr'm croquet durin' Lent. To-night you see me mixin' me toddy without th' shadow iv remorse about me. I'm proud iv it. An' why not?

Youcallme a heifer?” shrieked Fannie. “I'll tell ya landlady on ya, I will!” “Don' yo' go mixin' up in my private affairs. You shut yo' mouth, yo' hear me? yo' heifer!” “I ain't no heifer!” Fortunately Ida swung into our midst about then and saved folk from bodily injury.

'Ye'll be mixin' up me ol' man with th' Cassidy's in th' nex' lot that, I says, 'he niver spoke to save in anger in his life, I says. 'Ye're an ancestor worshiper, heathen, says the la-ad, an' he goes on to tamp th' mounds in th' cimitry an ballast th' thrack with th' remains iv th' deceased.

"'It's all right about bein' yoothful an' light, that a-way, says Enright, after Dave pulls his freight, 'but Tutt oughter remember yereafter, before he goes mixin' himse'f up with sech vain things as towerists an' Injuns an' British, that he's a married man." "Let me try one of them thar seegyars." It was the pleasant after-dinner hour, and I was on the veranda for a quiet smoke.

"Why," says he, "I I've said very little about it, as a matter of fact, but but I am doing a little research work in in anthropology." "Good night!" says I. "Mixin' things up that's liable to blow the roof off, ain't it?" "Why, no," says he, starin' at me puzzled. "It's merely studying racial characteristics, making comparisons, and so on. Incidentally, I I'm writing a book, I suppose."

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