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"I'm very sorry, miss, if ye think I'm afther takin' a liberty," returned Pat firmly; "but I'd knock any man down who went to insult Miss Elleney." Elleney dropped her arms from her aunt's neck and whisked round, her blue eyes blazing through her tears. "I'll thank ye not to be mixin' yerself up with my business at all, Pat Rooney. Nobody asked you to meddle." "Was it Mr.

An' now, let's get on with the knittin'. I was a bit rattled when this young party steers in an' whacks 'is cock-an'-bull yarn into me 'and. 'Oo ever 'eard of a respectable British ship mixin' 'erself up with a South American revolution? The story is all moonshine on the face of it." "I think otherwise, Mr. Verity, and Mr. Bulmer, I take it, agrees with me," said the reporter.

You'll excuse me for mixin' in your affairs.... An' now, considerin' other ways I've really helped you, I hope you'll stay at my home for a few days. We all owe you a good deal. My family wants to make up to you. Will you stay?" "Thank you yes for a few days," replied Dorn. "Good! That'll help some. Mebbe, after runnin' around 'Many Waters' with Le with the girls you'll begin to be reasonable.

They teach me the force o' keepin' my mouth shut; an' much mixin' wi' other folks arter the silence o' the stones 'mazes me men an' wummen do chatter so." "An' so did you, lassie, an' weern't none the worse. Us doan't hear your purty voice enough now." "'Tis better thinkin' than talkin', Uncle Thomas. I abbun nort to talk 'bout, you see, but a power o' things to think of.

"I don't wonder," said Willy, "for I don't believe that a Synod ever went out yachting before in a bunch!" Mr. Burke rose and looked out of the window. "Miss Croup," said he, "do you remember what I said about mixin' fun and charity in these cruises? Well, I guess we'll have to take our charity straight this time!" But when Mrs.

Oh, dear, dear!" Auntie, she just stands there gaspin' and tryin' to unlimber her lorgnette. As for Old Hickory, he watches the proceedings breathless for a second or so before he can make out what's happenin'. Then he roars: "Hey, stop 'em, somebody! Stop 'em, I say!" That listened to me like my cue, and while I've never been strong for mixin' in a muss, I jumped into this one lively.

Elmira, with her blue checked pinafore tied under her chin, sat in a high wooden chair, with her little bare feet curling over a round, and beat eggs with a wooden spoon in a great bowl. "What you doin'?" asked Jerome. Her mother answered for her. "She's mixin' up some custard for pies," said she. "I dun'no' as there's any need of you standin' lookin' as if you never saw any before."

Captain Hocken he's a humane gentleman, too, and never graspin' no, never in his life! but I suppose he'd begun to get interested, Captain Hocken ups and suggests as they were wastin' time, mixin' table-salt and water when there was the wide ocean itself overside, to be had for the dippin'. So they tried sea-water." "My poor Pammy."

"Well, ye see," said the foreman, "the prisint incoombent has been mixin' too much red wid his paint, an' it don't wurrk." "You mean he drinks?" asked Dennis with humorous inquiry. "Oi do," replied the foreman; "an' now that we have inthroduced th' subject, excuse a personal quistion: Do ye wet yure whistle in business hours?" "No," answered Dennis promptly, "nor out of them.

"Gie me up some o' thae slides in the green box," he cries to Nathan. "Whaur hae ye putten the Provosts an' the Bailies?" "I have them a' in my breeks' pooch," says Nathan. "They're a' richt." "An' whaur's the drunkard's liver?" "O, I laid it on the boiler-heid, alang wi' Danyil an' some mair." "See an' no' be mixin' them than," said Sandy, shovin' in another slide.