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That's Steve Gary talkin'. Don't you go mixin' with Gary. He's right quick with his gun. What's a-bitin' you, anyhow?" "Who'd you say?" queried Pete. "Gary Steve Gary. Reckon you heard of him." "Who says I'm lucky he ain't here?" again challenged Gary. "Shut up, Steve," said a friendly cowboy. "Can't you take a josh?" "Who's lookin' for a row, anyhow?" queried another cowboy. "I ain't."

"As they ain't mixin' no drinks at the Red Light for man or beast, nor yet at Hamilton's hurdy-gurdy, this sport in yooniform don't get no cocktail. "'Can't mix no drinks, says Black Jack. "'Can't mix no cocktail? says the Signal sharp. 'Why! what a band of prairie dogs this yere hamlet is! What's the matter with you-all that you can't mix no cocktails? Don't you savey enough?

Gentlemen, I was once as lively and happy a little boy as ever did chores on a farm. See me now! This is the result of mixin' women and politics. Look at me! For all them years that cussed ambition of mine held me in its deadly toils. I never heard the sound of blessed silence. Trouble! I'm bald as a cake of ice; my nerves is ruined.

Grover, eh? Now how in the nation did I get it Wood? Oh, yes, I cal'late 'twas mixin' up groves and woods. Tut, tut! Wonder I didn't call you 'Pines' or 'Bushes' or somethin'. . . . But there, sit down, sit down. I'm awful glad you dropped in. I'd about given up hopin' you would."

An' I 'lowed it was, what there was of it; an' so was the boulders good, for boulders, the trouble was in the mixin'. 'Don't talk to me about your "decomposed granite," says I: 'it's the granite what ain't decomposed that bothers me. But pshaw!" and Lysander dropped his voice hopelessly, "he ain't a-carin'. I'd about as soon work the boulders as try to work him; he's harder'n any boulder on the ranch."

I'll give him a trimmin'!" "I forbid ye, Pat, to do any such thing!" cried Elleney, almost with a shriek. "I declare I'm ashamed o' my life! Who gave you leave to go mixin' up my name? makin' so little of me? Oh dear! oh dear!" and the poor child began to sob again. "What have I done to be disgraced an' tormented that way!" Her blue eyes were drowned in tears, her pretty cheeks blanched.

I knows quality folks the minute I comes across 'em. Now yo', Mr. Trask, is all off yo' cou'se." "What do you mean?" "Yo' all ain' no business fo' mixin' in with a ship full o' low-down rakin's an' scrapin's like we got aboard hyar." "You mean Captain Jarrow and Mr. Peth?" "Crew," said Doc. "What about the crew?" "Bad lot." "You mean the crew can't be trusted?"

'This comes of mixin' up with soldiers, he thought, 'and a lowclass o' man like that. I ought to ha' changed my lodgin's. He'll be askin' me where that young girl is, I shouldn't wonder, an' him lost his character and his job, and everything, and all because o' women! He watched the broad-faced woman, Mrs.

Well, I'd got as far down as th' tariff an' was thryin' f'r to express me opinyon without swearin', whin who shud come in but Lafferty, that was sicrety iv McMahon, that was th' Main Guy in thim days, but aftherward thrun down on account iv him mixin' up between th' Rorkes an' th' Dorseys. Th' Main Guy Down Town said he wudden't have no throuble in th' ward, an' he declared McMahon out.

"'Do we-all savey enough? says Black Jack, some facetious that a- way. 'Stranger, we simply suffers with what we saveys. But thar's a law ag'in cocktails an' all mixin' of drinks. You sees, a Mexican female over in Tucson is one day mixin' drinks for a gent she's a- harborin' idees ag'in, an' she rings in the loco onto him, an' he goes plumb crazy.