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"On the streets o' Halifax, sir, near the wharves, sir, that's whaur ye'll come across them, but, dae ye ken noo, I aye thocht that savages were black, made sae I mean whan they were born into this worl'. But, dae ye min', it's masel' thinks that some o' them could be made white, if only ane had soap an' water enough to dae't.

The motion was as good as agreed to, silent consent appearing upon every face, when Michael Blake arose. "I move in amendment, that the young people's request be referred to a committee, with a view to its favourable consideration." "I second that," said Sandy Grant, the session clerk, "not thereby committin' masel' to its spirit, but to bring it afore the court in regular order."

"A've hed the same masel in sic circumstances; they come on sudden," said Jamie. "A' wager there 'ill be a new bit in the laist prayer the day, an' somethin' worth hearin'." And the fathers went into kirk in great expectation.

"If I've said anything you're no likin' and that I'm sorry for masel', I apologize," he said. The officer glared at him with narrowed eyes. "That'll not do," he said coldly. "When I say 'beg' you'll beg, and you will go on your knees to beg. Do you hear? Kneel!" Macalister stood rigid. At a word, two of the soldiers placed themselves in position again, with their bayonets at the prisoner's breast.

Then he turned upon me, his voice full of sad reproof: "I'm no' what I micht be masel', but I dinna mak' no profession; but to think I'd catch my ain minister hangin' roon' a taivern at this time o' nicht. It'll kill the wife. She thocht the warld o' ye." What the man was driving at was slowly borne in upon me. "But you do not understand, Geordie," I began.

MacLure had been slowly taking in the situation, and at last he unburdened himself one night to Jamie. "What ails the fouk, think ye? for they're aye lecturin' me noo tae tak care o' the weet and tae wrap masel up, an' there's no a week but they're sendin' bit presents tae the house, till a'm fair ashamed." "Oo, a'll explain that in a meenut," answered Jamie, "for a' ken the Glen weel.

"A' hevna shaken ma ain legs for thirty years, but a' confess tae a turn masel. Ye may lauch an' ye like, neeburs, but the thocht o' Bell an' the news that wes waitin' her got the better o' me." Drumtochty did not laugh. Drumtochty looked as if it could have done quite otherwise for joy. "A' wud hae made a third gin a' hed been there," announced Hillocks, aggressively.

Oh, mither, I've been the wanderer masel', an' I'm weary." My heart melted in me at this, for the eternal fatherly was sobbing through his voice. The familiar tones seemed to call Elsie back from her delirium, for she suddenly looked upon us as if we had not been there before. "Oh, faither, Robin's comin' hame the nicht. Is the lamp kindled in the window?

I did it masel' a wee while. That's what I telt Tam, an' I pinted oot the difference atween you an' the elders. I said as hoo ye wad hae pickit oot the auld buddy first But to think ma ain een saw ye comin' ben the taivern ayont twal o'clock at nicht." With such varied discourse did Geordie beguile our homeward way, which at last brought us to his dwelling-place.

Noo yon's a tarrible descreepancy, ye ken, so ah says to masel, ah'll be up sides wi' ye, ma lad. Naebody's got the better o' Jinit Johnstone yet, an' naebody's gaun tae; an' ah thocht Maister Coulson could jist tell me if the lads hae ony hand on the ferm lawyer bodies kens a' aboot thae things an' whit a wife's portion is, gin he should slip awa. An' ax him tae, whit ma rights 'll be.