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"Well, M'lissy says that the men over to the station all except Langley, of course are mad as all git-out because Parker was let go, and she says somebody told somebody else, and somebody else told somebody else, and somebody else told HER she says it come reel straight that the men are goin' to make it hot for the new feller when he comes.

Mebbe if we wait it'll begin to run again." The hopefulness of youth crept into Melissa's quivering voice. Lysander shook his head dismally. "I'm willin' enough to hold off, M'lissy, but I hain't got much hope. There ain't any Moses around here developin' water, that I know of. The meracle business seems to have got into the wrong hands this time; danged if it hain't.

"M'lissy," said the man impressively, "if I'd seen my own paw killed, an' nobody asked me to tell, I'd keep my mouth most piously shut; that's what I'd do." "But if he was mad, Sandy, an' tried to kill somebody else, and, oh," her voice broke into a piteous wail, "if they wuz thinkun' o' hangin' 'im!"

Ah couldn' understan' a word of hit; Ah reckon hit's his foreign words or somethin', but Ah never heard anythin' like hit befo'. 'N then he ast me again, mahty quiet like, wouldn' Ah take this letter to you-all fo' him, 'n Ah jus' natchelly thought Ah would!" The boy grinned sheepishly. The Doctor nodded and ran his finger under the flap of the envelope. "So you think he's sick." "M'lissy does.

"I want to see your daughter, the young girl, the one that walked to Los Angeles the other day," she said, looking at the woman. "M'lissy?" queried Mrs. Sproul anxiously. "Lysander, do you know if M'lissy's about?" Her husband nodded backward. "She's over in the orchard, lookin' after the water. I'll" The stranger took two or three steps toward him and put out her hand. "May I go to her?

"Mebbe I did, M'lissy, mebbe I did," he answered, with a trifling accession of dignity: "fer the law as I understood it. The law's all right, but it ain't every judge nor every jury that knows what it is; they think they do, but they're liable to be mistaken. Seems to me they're derned liable to be mistaken!" he added, with some asperity.

Thus adjured, the baby brought his vocalizing to that abrupt termination indicative of feeling not so deep-seated as to be entirely beyond control, and scrambled toward the door on all fours, breaking in upon the approaching planetary system, a somewhat dimmed and bedraggled comet. Mrs. Sproul picked him up, and looked around the room questioningly. "What's M'lissy doin', mother?"

"No," answered the ex-skipper of the Flying Duck, pulling at his grizzled scrap of throat whisker and looking rather shamefaced. "You see, M'lissy Busteed dropped in a few minutes this mornin' while you fellers was out and " Both Captain Eri and Captain Jerry set up a hilarious shout. "Haw! haw!" roared the former, slapping his knee. "I wouldn't be so fascinatin' as you be for no money, Perez.

"She'll be wonderin' what takes me away from home so much at night; an' Ah don' much like to leave her alone, neither." "Cain' ye trust her?" jeered Pink, with an evil scowl, but Bud turned on him so fiercely that he added, hastily, "to keep still if ye tell her?" "Tell her? Tell M'lissy! Ah wouldn' tell her fo' a good deal! You-all don' know M'lissy." "She'd jump ye, Ah reckon."

"Lysander's late, M'lissy, and I thought mebbe you'd milk the cow fer 'im." "Why, yes, of course," answered the girl, with a soft, good-natured drawl, descending the remaining steps slowly. "Where's the milk-pail, mother?" "On top o' the chimbly," answered the old woman tartly, pointing with the frying-pan to a bench in the corner. "If it'd 'a' been a snake, it'd 'a' bit you."