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Notre auteur n'a point connu Wellington, mais des anecdotes lui ont été fournies

Il s'etoit deja fait regarder comme grammairien, poete, orateur et philosopohe par divers ouvrages, mais aucun ne lui fit tant d'honneur que son 'Sanctuaire', qui est le titre qu'il donna a son recueil d'actes des Saints dedie a Simonete, secretaire des ducs de Milan." 'Discours', p. lvii.

A pretty duet by Mme. de la Grange and Signor Brignoli may be noticed also in this act; and the final air, by Madame de la Grange, "Ah! fors' e lui che l'anima," contained a brilliant, florid close which brought down the house, and the curtain had to be reraised to admit of a repetition. The duet is well worked up and is rousing, passionate music.

The year 1854 brought a five-act opera, "La Nonne Sanglante," founded on a legend in Lewis's "Monk." In 1858 he made his first essay in opera comique, and produced "Le Médecin malgré lui," which met with remarkable success. The next year "Faust" was performed, and placed him in the front rank of living composers.

On lui donnait 2 ou 300 'yards' au depart, puis on la depassait sans peine; mais jamais a la fin elle ne manquait de s'echauffer, de s'exasperer et elle arrivait, s'ecartant, se defendant, ses jambes greles en l'air devant les obstacles, quelquefois les evitant et faisant avec cela plus de poussiere qu'aucun cheval, plus de bruit surtout avec ses eternumens et reniflemens. -crac! elle arrivait donc toujours premiere d'une tete, aussi juste qu'on peut le mesurer.

"Which line, sire? It is indeed an advantage to have one's faults made clear." "Read the passage again." "Et si, quand je lui dis le secret de mon ame, Avec moins de rigueur elle eut traite ma flamme, Dans ma fayon de vivre, et suivant mon humeur, Une autre eut bientot le present de mon coeur." "Yes, the third line has a foot too many. Do you not remark it, madame?"

He uttered the snort that was his laugh, and 'Baudelaire, he said, 'was a bourgeois malgre lui. France had had only one poet: Villon; 'and two-thirds of Villon were sheer journalism. Verlaine was 'an epicier malgre lui. Altogether, rather to my surprise, he rated French literature lower than English. There were 'passages' in Villiers de l'Isle-Adam.

She flew half-way across to the oriel-window, her voice ringing out clear and gay, though broken by bursts of irrepressible merriment. "Regardez, regardez donc, Maman! Ma bonne m'avait dit qu'il était un avorton, et que ce serait très amusant de le voir. Elle m'a conseiller de lui faire marcher."

Quand on passait dessous, On lui payait deux sous." 1831 and 1832, the two years which are immediately connected with the Revolution of July, form one of the most peculiar and striking moments of history. These two years rise like two mountains midway between those which precede and those which follow them. They have a revolutionary grandeur. Precipices are to be distinguished there.

He cannot get a guinea, or deserves one. He is universally despised and detested. Me Buffon is said de lui avoir fait le plus grand sacrifice, sans doute, le sacrifice de sa reputation et de son etat. Que peut-on demander davantage?