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Villiers told his story as he had told it to Clarke, and Austin listened in silence. He seemed puzzled. "How very curious that you should experience such an unpleasant sensation in that room!" he said at length. "I hardly gather that it was a mere matter of the imagination; a feeling of repulsion, in short." "No, it was more physical than mental.

The garrison left at Detroit consisted merely of two companies-those of Captains Granville and Molineux, which included among their officers, Middlemore, Villiers and Henry Grantham.

Miss Judith Villiers, therefore, found it difficult to maintain the present household; and although she did not tell Jacob Armitage that such was the case, the fact was, that very often the venison which he brought to the mansion was all the meat that was in the larder.

'It couldn't have been Miss Marchurst, said Bellthorp, 'they say that the poison was poured out of a bottle held by a hand which came through the window it's quite true, defiantly looking at the disbelieving faces round him; 'one of Mrs Villiers' servants heard it in the house and told Mrs Killer's maid. 'From whence, said Vandeloup, politely, 'it was transmitted to you- -precisely.

"The night," pursued Villiers, no one noticing the interruption save by an impatient 'pish, "gave every indication of a speedy break up. The ice yet floated along in disjoined masses, but with even greater rapidity than on the preceding day.

Then Sir Bors called unto him Sir Lionel, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Blamore de Ganis, Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir Gahalantine, Sir Galihodin, Sir Galihud, Sir Menadeuke Sir Villiers the Valiant, Sir Hebes le Renoumes, Sir Lavaine Sir Urre of Hungary, Sir Nerounes, Sir Plenorius. These two knights Sir Launcelot made, and the one he won upon a bridge, and therefore they would never be against him.

Villiers," useful in the Peace-of-Dresden time; "but did not once mention Lord Hyndford or Mr. Legge," how singular! "I was in the closet with his Majesty exactly five minutes and a half. My audience done, Prussian Majesty came out into the general room, where Foreign Ministers were waiting.

It was a long street, and rather a gloomy one, but here and there a brighter taste had illuminated the dark houses with flowers, and gay curtains, and a cheerful paint on the doors. Villiers glanced up as Austin stopped speaking, and looked at one of these houses; geraniums, red and white, drooped from every sill, and daffodil-coloured curtains were draped back from each window.

Then he retired to an estate which he owned in the parish of Houghton in Radnorshire, bearing the curious name of Siluria. He died in the year 1676, at Calais, and in his will he is described as "Robert Danvers, alias Villiers, Esq."

His misfortune excited little interest; but every heart felt compassion for two young noblemen whom he had persuaded to engage in this rash enterprise, the duke of Buckingham and his brother the Lord Francis Villiers. The latter was slain at Kingston; the former, after many hair-breadth escapes, found an asylum on the continent.

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