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Updated: September 24, 2024
"Peut-on entrer?" called a clear voice outside at this juncture, and without waiting for permission the speaker entered, a very pretty woman in an admirably fitting riding habit, which she held daintily up with one gloved hand, extending the other as she came to the Marquis who gracefully bent over it and kissed it. "Charme de vous voir Princesse!" he murmured. "Not at all!
Powell and Gahan and your mother say, to be of any use must come before May but I asked for money as well as seed. Sturdy beggars. March 22. April 9. "Ou peut-on etre mieux qu'au sein de sa famille?" I found it, my dear, exactly where I knew it was, in Alison's History. On Buonaparte's return from Egypt, the Old Guard surrounding him and the band playing this.
He cannot get a guinea, or deserves one. He is universally despised and detested. Me Buffon is said de lui avoir fait le plus grand sacrifice, sans doute, le sacrifice de sa reputation et de son etat. Que peut-on demander davantage?
What does Lord C. mean by calling himself alone? Peut-on etre mieux qu'au sein de sa famille? Neckar, and which is incomparably well wrote. I will get it for George if he desires it, and will promise to read it. God bless him; je l'aime de tout mon coeur, et je l'estime aussi, qui est encore davantage. Thomas Townshend.
Cavour feared, perhaps, to lose the ground he had gained in the previous year with Napoleon III., when the Emperor's rather surprising question: 'Que peut-on faire pour l'Italie? had suggested to the Piedmontese statesman that definite scheme of a French alliance, which henceforth he never let go.
They also talk a vast deal about the little essays of criticism. In yesterday's Journal des Debats, after a flaming panegyric on Buonaparte, "Et apres avoir parle de l'univers de qui peut-on parler? Des plus grandes des Poetes de Racine": then follows a criticism on Phedre.
He had been in America, which emboldened him to consider himself in some sort my countryman, and to request the honor of my presence at the ceremony. "And the lady?" "Monsieur," he said, "peut-on douter? Fontaine! You are to come to the French church at 3. You will, then, will you not, do us the honor to dine at our lodgings, Friedrich strasse, No. 30?"
We arrived at Baltimore at the season of the "Conference." I must be excused from giving any very distinct explanation of this term, as I did not receive any. From what I could learn, it much resembles a Revival. We entered many churches, and heard much preaching, and not one of the reverend orators could utter the reproach, "Peut-on si bien precher qu'elle ne dorme au sermon?"
The band struck up a favorite air from one of the new operas, "Peut-on affliger ce qu'on aime?" which those who saw the anxiety which recent events had already stamped upon the queen's majestic brow could hardly avoid applying to their royal mistress; and when it followed it up by Blondel's lamentation for Richard, "O Richard, O mon roi, l'univers t'abandonne," the first notes of the well-known song touched a chord in every heart, and the whole company, courtiers, ladies, soldiers, and deputies, were all carried away in a perfect delirium of loyal rapture.
When it came to the turn of the grenadiers of the old guard to pass through this fire, they closed their ranks around Napoleon like a moveable fortress, proud of having to protect him. Their band of music expressed this pride. When the danger was greatest, they played the well-known air, "Où peut-on être mieux qu'au sein de sa famille!"
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