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Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Nous ne pouvions douter, ma femme et moi, de la part que vous et Madame Reeve prendriez au malheur si cruel et si inattendu qui vient de nous frapper. Il etait si fort et si bien portant que jusqu'a la veille de sa mort nous n'avions pas eu un instant d'inquietude. Vous comprenez done bien notre douleur.

Quand, au milieu d'un entretien calme et melancolique, tout a coup il aperçoit le spectre, on suit tout; ses mouvemens dans les yeux qui le contemplent, et l'on ne peut douter de la presence du fantome quand un tel regard l'atteste."

Could he marry a girl who had been a ballet-dancer, and who had come into an unexpected heritage? "Es-tu fou d'en douter?" cried Edgar. "What a sublime occasion to manifest thy scorn of the miserable banalities of the bourgeoisie! It will but increase thy moral power over the people. And then think of the money. What an aid to the cause! What a capital for the launch! journal all thine own!

Could he marry a girl who had been a ballet-dancer, and who had come into an unexpected heritage? "Es-tu fou d'en douter?" cried Edgar. "What a sublime occasion to manifest thy scorn of the miserable banalities of the bourgeoisie! It will but increase thy moral power over the people. And then think of the money. What an aid to the cause! What a capital for the launch! journal all thine own!

"Il faudroit," dit elle, "etre belle et jeune." "Ah, madame!" reprit le complimenteur naivement, "vous etes bien la preuve du contraire." Locke's Essay concerning the Human Understanding, fifteenth edit. vol. i. p. 292. "De moi je commence a douter tout de ben. Pourtant quand je me tate, et quand je me rappelle, Il me semble que je suis moi."

But, in truth, I waited till something should occur which might have the good fortune to interest you, and I think the accounts I continue to receive from France, on the present threatening aspect of affairs, may be of that nature. M. Guizot says to me, in a letter of the 23rd inst.: 'Jusqu'a ces jours derniers je n'y voulais pas croire. J'essaye encore d'en douter; mais c'est difficile.

I returned his own answer: "Monsieur, peut-on douter?" At the hour appointed I was at the church. I found quite an assembly artists, painters, sculptors, actors, critics, poets, newspaper writers, several members of the corps diplomatique, some officers, a few gentlemen of the court, etc. The bride and groom appeared very simply attired. Their deportment was perfect. The ceremony was impressive.

"On ne peut douter," says Ste. Croix, "que l'introduction des fêtes de Bacchus en Italie n'ait accéleré les progrès du libertinage et de la débauche dans cette contrée." Myst. du Pag., tom. ii. p. 91. St. But even he does not deny that the motive with which they were performed was of a religious, or at least superstitious nature "Sic videlicet Liber deus placandus fuerat."

The Chevalier then found, in the mountain of Santa Venere, an extinct volcano; and proceeds in his Memoir to give some explanation for those appearances, as follows: «Je ne pus pas douter que cette montagne ne fût le volcan que je cherchois, et qui avoit répandus ses laves

He had been in America, which emboldened him to consider himself in some sort my countryman, and to request the honor of my presence at the ceremony. "And the lady?" "Monsieur," he said, "peut-on douter? Fontaine! You are to come to the French church at 3. You will, then, will you not, do us the honor to dine at our lodgings, Friedrich strasse, No. 30?"