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Updated: August 29, 2024

"It's not as you'll buy a single thing on me, I'd be sorry for you to do it, for think o' them poor women up i' the villages there, as niver stir a hundred yards from home, it 'ud be a pity for anybody to buy up their bargains. Lors, it's as good as a junketing to 'em when they see me wi' my pack, an' I shall niver pick up such bargains for 'em again.

Certes il n'aurait jamais epouse la cause de la France engagee contre l'Angleterre; mais quand il voyait la France et l'Angleterre d'accord sa joie etait vive. Et lors de nos malheurs, sans prendre parti dans la querelle, il n'a jamais cachee la sympathie que lui inspirait la France vaincue.

There's Dick Brumby, there, I could leather him as much as I'd a mind; but lors! you get tired o' leatherin' a chap when you can niver make him see what you want him to shy at. I'n seen chaps as 'ud stand starin' at a bough till their eyes shot out, afore they'd see as a bird's tail warn't a leaf. It's poor work goin' wi' such raff. But you war allays a rare un at shying, Mr.

Si vous estes assis, lors que quelq'vn vous vient rendre visite, leuez-vous dés qu'il approche; si la dignité de la personne demande cette deference, comme s'il a quelque aduantage sur vous, s'il vous est égal, ou inferieur; mais non pas fort familier. Si vous vous reposez chez vous, ayant quelque siege, faites en soite de traiter chacun selon son merite.

Have you a boat?" "A boat! Lors a massy! I got no boat, Mah'sr Harry. How did ye git dar?" "Oh, I got adrift, and my boat's gone! Isn't there any man about?" "No man about here," said the woman. "My ole man's gone off to de railroad. But he'll be back dis evenin'." "I can't wait here till he comes," cried Harry. "Haven't you a rope and some boards to make a raft?" "Lor', no! Mah'sr Harry.

"Lors, miss, what is yer a-doin' of?" asked the little maid, in wonder, as Capitola opened the door and looked out. "I am going out a little way and you must go with me!" "Deed, miss, I'se 'fraid!" "Very well, then, stay here in the dark until I come back, but don't go to my room, because you might meet a ghost on the way!" "Oh, Miss, I daren't stay here indeed I daren't!"

You might as well look at poor folks's victual, mum; it 'ud on'y take away your appetite. There's a yard i' the middle on't as the pattern's all missed, lors, why, it's a muslin as the Princess Victoree might ha' wore; but," added Bob, flinging it behind him on to the turf, as if to save Mrs.

But I told him I was upo' the travel three parts o' the Sundays, an' then I'm so used to bein' on my legs, I can't sit so long on end, 'an' lors, sir, says I, 'a packman can do wi' a small 'lowance o' church; it tastes strong, says I; 'there's no call to lay it on thick. Eh, Miss, how good the little un is wi' you!

"Hev ferrets, Measter Tom," said Bob, eagerly, "them white ferrets wi' pink eyes; Lors, you might catch your own rots, an' you might put a rot in a cage wi' a ferret, an' see 'em fight, you might.

"Why, Lors bress my po' ole soul, young marse an' miss, is yer come sure 'nough? 'Deed I's moughty proud to see yer. How's de ole marse? When he coming back agin?" he queried, as the carriage rolled slowly across the gangplank from the wharf to the deck of the ferryboat.

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