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Chatting thus, the three famous spirits passed slowly along the path until they came to the sheltered nook in which the house-boat lay at anchor. "There's a case in point," said Xanthippe, as the house-boat loomed up before them. "All that luxury is for men; we women are not permitted to cross the gangplank.

Accordingly, after everything had been explained to Captain Winton of the yacht, the American officer and the General walked beside each other across the gangplank, which bowed threateningly under the unusual weight, the support was drawn in, and both craft began moving at moderate speed up the bifurcated river.

Marie skipped over the gangplank and ran along the tow-path to Jan, who already had taken up Netteke's reins and was waiting for the signal to start. Joseph took his place at the tiller, and again the "Old Woman" moved slowly down the stream. For some time Jan and Marie plodded along with Netteke.

I did not see the first of it, but I saw enough." "What did you think about it?" "I did not know what to think." The showman shot a keen glance at the Circus Boy's thoughtful, serious face. "What do you think today?" "That it was perfectly natural for Jupiter to balk going across the gangplank." "How about him having hurled Teddy to the deck of the 'Fat Marie'?" "That is different."

One of the Adventurer's passengers, an officer in uniform, going ashore, another tall, spare man, had halted on the gangplank to watch the contest. Now he stepped forward to greet the victor, with smiling eyes and outstretched hand. "Not so badly done, Captain," he said cordially.

And with that he put his fishing pole over his shoulder and prepared to leave a tall, strong-looking old man with long legs and knotty wrists, who moved across the deck with surprising spryness. At the gangplank he sang out without turning his head: "As far as my bein' a skipper's concerned, they's no law agin' callin' me Cap'n Abernethy if you want to. I come of a seafarin' fambly."

The boat slowed down; made fast; out came the gangplank; ashore went the little two-wheel carts drawn by the sleepy, tired dogs; then the baskets of onions were rolled off, and the few barrels of freight, and then two or three passengers among them a small, feeble man, in a long coat reaching to his heels made their way to the dock. "That's the last man to come ashore here," said Marny.

"Not exactly," said Tom, with his usual candor; "but it seems as if nothing can happen at all, now that we're here. It seems different, thinking up things when you're riding along the road kind of." "Uh huh." Presently the soldiers began coming down the gangplank. "You watch for resemblances and I'll do the rest," said Mr. Conne in a low tone. "Give yourself the benefit of every doubt.

"Hurrah, hurrah for Jack Hammond!" they shouted. Hastily a gangplank was thrown out to the captive U-boat and Jack ran ashore only to be surrounded by his fellow-countrymen and fairly lifted off his feet. "We've heard all about you -how you escaped from the U-boat and called for help from the German wireless station.

The Hong-Kong packet lay alongside the warehouse frontage. Ah Cum patrolled the length of the boat innumerable times, but never letting his glance stray far from the gangplank. This was automatically rather than thoughtfully done; habit. His mind was busy with a résumé of yesterday's unusual events. The young man desperately ill and the girl taking care of him!