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I have seen him; and my gude man and them we kenned have marked him this score of years; and whether his kingdom were lost or won, whether his best friends were free or bound, dead or alive, he recked as little as though it were a game of chess, so that he can sit in the ingle neuk at Bourges and toy with Madame de Beaute, shameless limmer that she is! and crack his fists with yon viper, Jamet de Tillay, and the rest of the crew.

It is weel kenned that a corp canna lie still in a room with the door hafflins open. I rose to lock it, the catch is crazy. I was backing to the door, with my face to the feet o' the corp. I saw them move backwards, slow they moved, and my heart stood still in my breist.

"My dear, she kenned she couldna come, and it was as well to put that face on it. But she would gladly come now, if I had a home to give her." There was silence for a while, and then Graeme said, "It's selfish in me, I know, but, oh! Janet, we have been so happy lately, and I canna bear to think of changes coming."

"Jeames never appeart to me to hae mair o' what's ca'd intellec' nor an ord'nar' share; but ye see the man 'at has faith he's aye growin', an' sae may come to something even i' this warl'.An' whan ye think o' the ages to come, truly it wad seem to maitter little what intellec' a man may start wi'. I kenned mysel' ane 'at in ord'nar' affairs was coontit little better nor an idiot,'maist turn a prophet whan he gaed doon upo' his knees.

"A living gas jet!" said Brown. They staggered away, sometimes rubbing shoulders as they lurched together, sometimes with the road between them. "I kenned young Gourlay was on the fuddle when I saw him swinging off this morning in his greatcoat," cried Sandy Toddle. "There was debauch in the flap o' the tails o't." "Man, have you noticed that too!" cried another eagerly.

Thinking on the lasses at thy age! You're the chap, they tell me, that's been walkin' out my daughter in broad daylight! Well, well, cannot find it in my heart to be too hard did the like mysel' thirty years ago, and never regretted it. School-master's son, aren't ye? Thought I kenned ye by sight! Student lad at the College of Edinburgh?

Heywood thought this explanation to be perfectly satisfactory, and the prophet's faith for ever established. But to return to Merlin. Of him even to this day it may be said, in the words which Burns has applied to another notorious personage, "Great was his power and great his fame; Far kenned and noted is his name?

Gin ye dinna believe me, I hae my marriage lines, gie me by the minister o' St. Margaret's Kirk, Weestminster, where he marrit me! Ou, ay! and I wad hae tell ye a' this in the beginning, only I kenned weel, if I did, ye wad na hae let me gae on gie' ony teestimony agin me ain husband. De'il hae him!

I found the mither had just sae muckle a year frae some o' her far-awa relations; and had it no been that they happened to ca' me Stuart, and I tauld her a rigmarole about my grandfaither and Culloden, so that she soon made me out a pedigree, about which I kenned nae mair than the man o' the moon, but keept saying 'yes' and 'certainly' to a' she said I say, but for that, and confound me, if she wadna hae curled up her nose at me and my five thousand pounds into the bargain, though her lassie should hae starved.

Mine eyes were dragomans for my tongue betted * And told full clear the love I fain would hide: When last we met and tears in torrents railed * For tongue struck dumb my glances testified: She signed with eye glance while her lips were mute * I signed with fingers and she kenned th' implied: Our eyebrows did all duty 'twixt us twain; * And we being speechless Love spake loud and plain.