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Updated: August 6, 2024

The tall boy looked almost ludicrous to her in his ultra-correct man's outfit, so vividly did she recall him, three or four years before, in short trousers and round-collared shirt-waist. His smooth, rosy face had still the downy bloom of adolescence. "Howd' do, Walter!" said Paul, glancing up from a pile of blue-prints over which he had been straining his eyes in the fading evening light.

"Yes, it's all right, Master Winthorpe," said Farmer Tallington; "but what will the folks say?" "Say! What have they got to do with it?" cried Squire Winthorpe. "You boys don't make so much noise. I can't hear myself speak." "Do you hear, Tom, howd thy row, or I'll send thee home," said the farmer; "recollect where you be." "Yes, father," said, the lad.

"Howd', folks," greeted Jed Thompson, fairly bursting into the camp. "You-all don't know whether that critter Spurgeon has been heyeh, does ye?" "Just cast your eagle eyes about and see if you don't think it looks as if somebody had been here, old top," answered Hippy Wingate, taking in the camp and the tethering ground with a wave of the hand. "Our ponies are gone.

If I open my mouth, I shall give us away." "Howd tha mouth shut, then, 'Minta, lass," he said. Then, lowering his tone, he added in his own language: "I'll account for you. Don't forget your name's Araminta. You've been ill, and the doctor's ordered open-air treatment." As they reached the threshold, the roar of Millsborough dialect came to them through the windows of the bar-parlour.

"Howd te tongue, little plague," cried Elizabeth, rapping her knuckles with her stick, "and behave thyself, or theaw shanna go out to t' wake." Jennet dealt her mother a bitterly vindictive look, but she neither uttered cry, nor made remark. In the momentary silence that ensued the blithe jingling of bells was heard, accompanied by the merry sound of tabor and pipe.

"Raly, it looks like a judgment," observed Mrs. Wainwright, with an air of pious regret, "soom people might say it was, ye know, Doctor. Martin, he's been goin' on awful to my husband that set up he were " "Howd thy din!" interposed Bob, wrathfully; whereupon Mrs. Wainwright retired outside the door, waiting to pursue the conversation till the doctor should be ready to go downstairs.

As he spoke he was busy holding on to the elastic willow branch with one hand, while with the other he drew the rope out of the boat's head, and, with a good deal of labour, managed to pass it round the bough and make it fast. "There, she's all right," he cried, stepping aft carefully, the boat swaying beneath his huge weight. "Now, squire, I mun lean ower thee to get howd o' the pole.

"I've thowt o' deein'," he said with a catch of his breath. "I've thowt o' deein', an' I've wondered how it wur an' what it felt like. I never thowt o' deein' like this here." Another pause and then "Which o' yo' lads 'll tell my missus?" "Ay! poor chap, poor chap!" wailed the women. "Who on 'em will?" "Howd tha noise, wenches," he said hoarsely. "Yo' daze me. Theer is na time to bring her here.

We should be swept no one knows wheer, and do no good to them as wants the help." "But we can't leave them to drown, man!" cried the squire. "No; we can't do that, and we wean't," cried Hickathrift. "They'll get right on the roof if the bed-rooms gets full; and while we're waiting for day we'll have the punt hauled up. Jacob'll howd the light, and I'll see if I can't mend the hole.

Aw'm sartin sure ov him when aw see him. Aw'll not goo nigh him till somebory cooms cep' he roons away. Aw'm noan fleyed ov him, but aw met not be able to keep mo howd ov him. Oh, mo Mattie! mo Mattie! to leave thi owd faither for sich a mak ov a mon as yon! But yere cooms somebory moor. Enter MRS. CLIFFORD. Mrs. C. No one here? She can never be in his room with him! Mr. Waterfield!

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