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Owd Dicky o' Billy's kept telling me long, Wee s'd ha' better toimes if I'd but howd my tung, Oi've howden my tung, till oi've near stopped my breath, Oi think i' my heeart oi'se soon clem to deeath, Owd Dicky's weel crammed, He never wur clemmed, An' he ne'er picked ower i' his loife,

Coom, Victoria, howd up, owd lad; we'se soon be theer now. An' so th' owd rooster is Prince Consort? An' the drake's th' Prince o' Wales? Ho, ho! Have ye getten any more royalties yonder?" "I've used up pretty near all th' royal fam'ly," replied Margaret, with a recurrence of her former dolorous pride; "it's the only mark o' respect as I can show my sovering.

"Pity he ventured that way," said the squire. "Here, Mr Marston, you're all right now," said Dick. "Can you get up and walk?" There was no answer, but the young man tried to struggle up, and would have sunk down again had not the squire caught him round the waist. "Poor lad! he's bet out. Not used to our parts," said Hickathrift. "Here, howd hard, sir.

"Ay, that's badly. I give the hankycher a good tighten up, and that hot him, so that he had to howd his tongue." "That made him hold his tongue, Hicky?" "Ay, lad. I med him feel that if he didn't shoot his neb, I'd pull tighter, and so he quieted down. Now, tell us all about it." "Give us some bread and butter first, Hicky; we're nearly starved." "Hey, lads," cried the wheelwright.

"And it certainly was a close clip. We could see to the roots of the little fellow's hair all over his round, hard head. "Come," said the mother, "yo two are makin' a nice floor for mo. Thae'll do, mon; arto beawn to lother o' th' bit o' swoap away that one has to wash wi'; gi's howd on't this minute, an' go thi ways an' dry thisel', thae little pouse, thae."

"I doan't howd wi' guns an' shootin' aboot, in a sma' garden, wi' t' washin' an' aw." "It's feyther's garden, ain't it, as long as he pays t' rent!" said Will, bringing his hand down on the table with sudden passion. "Wha's to hinder me? Mebbe yo' think Melrose 'ull be aboot." "Howd your tongue, Willie," said his mother, mildly. "We werena taakin' o' Melrose." "Noa because we're aye thinkin'!"

"We've been wondering why he didn't come back." "I don't know, only we heard a shot," said Dick excitedly; "and then we heard someone calling for help, and found him lying ashore." "Let me get a good howd on him," said the wheelwright; and with one foot in the boat he passed his great arm under the constable and lifted him out as tenderly as if he had been a child.

He turned in his seat and spoke to his passengers, catching Dixon Mallaby's eye. "Ah be goin' to show 'ee, sir," he said, "how three ornary hacks, rightly drove, can take a dip an' a rise, even with a load like you gentlemen makes. Howd tight." Then to Amaryllis he said, with paternal tenderness: "Don't you be fallin' off now, my dear. And grab t' rail, not me, when they bump into their collars."

Then he felt a snatch, and a voice like thunder brought him to himself. "Howd tight, lad!" The next moment Dick felt himself gliding over the soft bog, and directly after Dave had hold of one of his hands and drew him to a place of safety before running back to the rope. "All together, lads! Haul!"

Amaryllis saw the face again, this time in its full lopsided monstrosity, and turned to Dick, clutching him and hiding her eyes against his shoulder. Hearing her gasp, a woman in the crowd cried out: "Howd t' heathen! He flays t' lasses, and he'll curd t' milk." "Gi' 'im a flap on jaw, Bob Woodfall," cried a youth. "One's all 'e'll take." It was.