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The Moonshee's significant gesture of drawing a hand across his own brown throat had silenced the pushing American professor. "By hokey!" he groaned, "it is hard to have to play second fiddle to this purblind old Scotchman." Alaric Hobbs had been a reporter upon that dainty sheet, The New York Whorl, in one of his "emergent" periods, and so he writhed in agony at being left at the post.

He leaned forward and slapped Ford in friendly fashion upon the shoulder. "Buck up 'the worst is yet to come," he shouted, and laughed with an exaggeration of cheerfulness. "You can't ever tell when death or matrimony's goin' to get a man. By hokey, seems like there's no dodgin' either one." Ford lifted a bloodshot eye to the other.

An' he talks 'bout his oath ez ef he war the only man in Tennessee ez ever war swore on the 'Holy Evangelists o' Almighty Gawd' in the court-house. He fairly stamped on my feelin's, in that Jenkins case, ter make me agree with him; but I couldn't agree, an' it hung the jury, ez they say. I wisht they hed hung the foreman! By Hokey, I despise a hard-headed, 'pinionated man."

Hodgeman, the special pleader, where six pupils were scribbling declarations under the tallow; in Sir Hokey Walker's clerk's room, where the clerk, a person far more gentlemanlike and cheerful in appearance than the celebrated counsel, his master, was conversing in a patronising manner with the managing clerk of an attorney at the door; and in Curling the wigmaker's melancholy shop, where, from behind the feeble glimmer of a couple of lights, large serpents' and judges' wigs were looming drearily, with the blank blocks looking at the lamp-post in the court.

Remember you are welcome at my house any time that you call. Don't forget to come." Mr. Verne received a more than hearty grasp of Moses' iron hand and graciously escorted him to the door where he disappeared muttering along the street, "By hokey, I'm the luckiest chap in all Christendom. There's no knowin' but what I may turn out to be the biggest gun among 'em yet."

Laura Pendennis believes its tunes to be the sweetest, the most interesting, the most mirth-inspiring, the most pitiful and pathetic, that ever baby uttered; which opinions, of course, are backed by Mrs. Hokey, the confidential nurse. Laura's husband is not so rapturous; but, let us trust, behaves in a way becoming a man and a father.

"Because he'd just got that whack when Injun Joe done it. D'you reckon he could see anything? D'you reckon he knowed anything?" "By hokey, that's so, Tom!" "And besides, look-a-here maybe that whack done for HIM!" "No, 'taint likely, Tom. He had liquor in him; I could see that; and besides, he always has.

"Mother, are we ever likely to be ill off?" he asked his mother that evening. She ran her fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his brow fondly. He was as tall as herself now. "No, no, dear; what makes ye think that? Your father has always had a grand business, and I brought a hantle money to the house." "Hokey!" said the youth, "when Ah'm in the business Ah'll have the times!"

That man's near demented mad at the thought of you marryin'. 'Be the hokey O! he says whenever I go a-near him, an' then he starts laughin' an' tellin' me it's the great news altogether. 'I wish, says he, 'the oul' lad was alive. He'd be makin' hell's blazes for joy! Och, he's cracked, that fella.

"You act like you were nervous, this morning," Ford observed, in the tone which indicates a conscious effort at good-humored ignorance. "Working on a bet, or what?" "What!" snarled Bill sarcastically. "I wisht, Ford, next time you bowl up, you'd pick on somebody that ain't too good a friend to fight back! I'm gittin' tired, by hokey " "What did I lick you again, Bill?"