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Updated: August 21, 2024

The rough ramparts and rude buildings of Charlesfort, hatefully familiar to their weary eyes, the sweltering forest, the glassy river, the eternal silence of the wild monotony around them, oppressed the senses and the spirits. Did they feel themselves the pioneers of religious freedom, the advance-guard of civilization? Not at all.

"The mail-rider done told hit.... Somebody shot five shoots from the laurel.... Purvy hain't died yit.... Some says as how his folks has sent ter Lexington fer bloodhounds." The boy's eyes began to smolder hatefully. "I reckon," he spoke slowly, "he didn't git shot none too soon." "Samson!" The old man's voice had the ring of determined authority.

Then Dug, with almost precipitate haste, turned back to his visitor. "Now, sir, I'm ready to hear anything you need to tell me." But Bob was thinking of Ju Penrose as he had thought of him many times since he had listened and yielded to Effie's appeal. Every man has his price. Bob knew now that he, like the rest, had his price. That price a woman had set for him. Ju was right hatefully right.

She looked up at Draconmeyer, who was standing at her elbow. "Did you ever know anything more hatefully provoking!" she complained. "For two hours the luck has been dead against me. But for a few of my carrés turning up, I don't know what would have happened. And now at last my numbers arrive. I win en plein and with all the carrés and chevaux. This time it was twenty-seven.

"'Little good it does you, says I, contemptuously and hatefully. 'And so you are the government depository of this gang of moneyless money-makers? "'Listen, says Patrick Shane, with the sweat coming out on his brow. 'I'm confidant with you, as you have, somehow, enlisted my regards.

They seemed to Janet that morning hatefully beautiful. In front of his tin shop, whistling cheerfully and labouring energetically with a shovel to clean his sidewalk, was Johnny Tiernan, the tip of his pointed nose made very red by the wind. "Good morning, Miss Bumpus," he said. "Now, if you'd only waited awhile, I'd have had it as clean as a parlour. It's fine weather for coal bills."

Look here, my dear: I'm not blind. Don't think I don't value what you're doing. You cared for him in England a little, and you care a little now. And everything I've said tonight has hurt you hatefully. And you didn't know you cared. You thought it was friendship, didn't you till you thought I'd come to tell you that something had happened to him. And then you knew.

As this life is a Broad Highway along which we must all of us pass whether we will or no; as it is a thoroughfare sometimes very hard and cruel in the going, and beset by many hardships, sometimes desolate and hatefully monotonous, so, also, must its aspect, sooner or later, change for the better, and, the stony track overpassed, the choking heat and dust left behind, we may reach some green, refreshing haven shady with trees, and full of the cool, sweet sound of running waters.

"Oh, Lu," she said pityingly, putting her arms lovingly about her sister, "I'm so sorry for you! How could you bear it? Did he hurt you very much?" Papa was so good and kind to me he always is and I had been behaving so hatefully to him. "And he wasn't in a bit of a passion with me. I believe, as he told me, he did hate to punish me, and only did it to help me to learn to conquer my temper."

Then, in a moment, she uttered a cry that drew Ruth's full attention. "Listen to this! What do you know about this, Ruth?" "What is it, my dear?" asked her chum, in her usual composed manner. "Just think of that!" cried Helen, in tears. "And I have treated him so hatefully. He'll never forgive me in this world, I suppose. It is about Chess," she sobbed, and handed her chum the letter.

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