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He beckoned me to follow, and led the way into the grove mysteriously. At length he stopped, peered about uneasily, then whispered. "There's an ole cabin up yonder" he faced toward Arapahoe "that's ha'nted." "Haunted?" my interest quickening, my fears of the depressing night forgotten. He nodded dead earnest. "Are you sure about that? Did you ever see the, the " His look silenced me.

Thar's a couple of Enright's riders holdin' down this corner of the Bar-B-8 game, an' one evenin' both of 'em comes squanderin' in, ponies a-foam an' faces pale as milk, an' puts it up they don't return to that camp no more. "'Because she's ha'nted, says one; 'Jim an' me both encounters this yere banshee an' it's got fire eyes. Also, itse'f and pony is constructed of bloo flames. You can gamble!

W'en de wah broke out, de school stop', en de ole school-'ouse be'n stannin' empty ever sence, dat is, 'cep'n' fer de ha'nts. En folks sez dat de ole school-'ouse, er any yuther house w'at got any er dat lumber in it w'at wuz sawed out'n de tree w'at Sandy wuz turnt inter, is gwine ter be ha'nted tel de las' piece er plank is rotted en crumble' inter dus'."

Unless they have 'em we can beat the Indians off as we did last year, even if they are led by the English." "So we kin, Henry, an' we'll git them guns yet. Scoutin' 'roun' thar camp I learned enough to know that you've broke up thar plan o' tryin' to carry 'em part o' the way by the river. You must hev done mighty slick work thar, Henry. The warriors are plum' shore now that river is ha'nted.

And it all looked kinder dusky, and solemn like. And a bystander a standin' by told us that it wuz "ha'nted." Josiah pawed at it, and shawed at the idee of a gost. But I sez, "There! that is the only thing Saratoga lacked to make her perfectly interestin', and that is a gost!" But agin Josiah pawed at the idee, and sez, "There never wuz such a thing as a gost! and never will be."

"I say, if I was you fellers, you know, I wouldn't stay in that old cabin a single night." "Why?" asked Jack. "Because," said Pewee, "I've heerd tell that it is ha'nted." "Ghosts aren't anything when you get used to them," said Jack. "We don't mind them at all." "Don't you?" said Pewee, who was now rowing against the current. "No," said Bob, "nor dough-faces, neither." As Mr.

Folks lack yo' gran'daddy and yo' gran'mammy an' all de Frenches dey don' none er dem come back, fer dey wuz all good people an' is all gone ter hebben. But I'm fergittin' de tale. "'Well, hoo's de man hoo's de man? ax Mistah Sellers, w'en Jeff tol' 'im dey wuz somebody wat 'ud stay in de ole ha'nted house all night. "'I'm de man, sez Jeff.

And all that swearing's got to be done at midnight, in the lonesomest, awfulest place you can find a ha'nted house is the best, but they're all ripped up now." "Well, midnight's good, anyway, Tom." "Yes, so it is. And you've got to swear on a coffin, and sign it with blood." "Now, that's something LIKE! Why, it's a million times bullier than pirating.

Wen de wah broke out, de school stop', en de ole school'ouse be'n stannin' empty ever sence, dat is, 'cep'n' fer de ha'nts. En folks sez dat de ole school'ouse, er any yuther house w'at got any er dat lumber in it w'at wuz sawed out'n de tree w'at Sandy wuz turnt inter, is gwine ter be ha'nted tel de las' piece er plank is rotted en crumble' inter dus'."

"They don't come out in the daytime, do they?" "I dunno. But they do say as how th' house is ha'nted these times." "How did that story start?" "Some allows they has seen queer lights there at night. An' there 's been shadders seen among the trees." The girl leaned forward excitedly. "Old wives' tales," Donaldson reassured her in an undertone. "This has been lately?" he inquired of the driver.