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Updated: August 17, 2024

I'se seen de Ku Kluckers, gemmen, an' I knows who some on 'em is, an' I knows dat when sech men takes hold ob sech a matter wid only pore niggers on de udder side, dar ain't no chance fer de niggers. I'se seen 'em, an' I knows." "When?" "Whar?"

Gwan away f'm here, Po'-Boy; dat gemmen ain't gwine feed you nuthin. You keep yo' dirty paws offen his close. Come in, suh. Take care you don't fall thoo dat ol' po'ch flo'; hit 'bout ready to go t' pieces, but I 'way behind on rent, so I cain't ask 'em to have hit fixed. Dis ol' house aint fitten fer nobody t' live in; winder glass gone an' roof leaks.

"Bress you, gemmen! bress you! Served my Master forty-five years and hab nuffin to show for it. Our little patch Hannar Amander got, but I tries to sarve de Lor at de same time, and dere is a better 'count kept ob dat in a place where old Master dead and gone now pas' twenty years, will nebber hab a chance ob getting at de books."

"Ah done reckon dem gemmen gwine lose some mo' of deir wall to-night," chuckled the negro softly. "Go as far as you like, Mr. Sambo Ebony!" grinned Tom Reade, under his breath. "I've wished something else on you this time." Carelessly the negro bent over his magneto, seized the handle and gave a push. Then he straightened up, listening. Only the soft sighing of the southern wind came to his ears.

She felt that he was waiting for her to go on. "She didn't done ride to-day." He looked up with the eyes of a dumb, persecuted animal. "And de gemmen in de show didn't tell nobody why jes' speaked about de udder gal takin' her place." "Why DIDN'T she ride?" cried Douglas, in an agony of suspense. "Dat's what I don' know, sah." Mandy began to cry.

"I 'low de neighborhood am obligated to any gemmen as brings sich pussons inter de serciety ob Piney Cove. If yer hasn't had deceived an invite from Mr. Benson, dat white pusson yer sees up yunder, remit me de ferlicity." Clorinda took two buff envelopes from her bosom as she spoke, and gave them to Mr. Sparks, of the Metropolitan, and Mr.

'You think right, said the Duke, astonished; and again he walked on. 'Sir, sir, said the pursuing ostler, 'I don't think you have got any luggage? 'Oh! I beg your pardon, said the Duke; 'I see it. I am in your debt; but I meant to return. 'No doubt on't, sir; but when gemmen don't have no luggage, they sees missis before they go, sir. 'Well, what am I in your debt? I can pay you here.

Uncle Daniel looked puzzled and, slowly scanning Robert's features, said: "He do look like somebody I used ter know, but I can't make him out ter save my life. I don't know whar to place him. Who is de gemmen, ennyhow?" "Why, Uncle Dan'el," replied Aunt Linda, "dis is Robby; Miss Nancy's bad, mischeebous Robby, dat war allers playin' tricks on me."

I listened to you attentively, but, for the life of me, I couldn't make out what you were talking about." "Kain't yo'?" the negro demanded, mockingly. "Den Ah done reckon Ah must be a good deal of a scholar, ef Ah can talk so dat er w'ite quality gemmen kain't undahstan' me." Mr. Sambo Ebony chuckled gleefully in appreciation of his own joke.

He declared, that he had given no directions to distrain; and that the bailiff must have done it by his own authority. 'If that be the case, said the young squire, 'let the inhuman rascal be turned out of our service. "Well, gemmen, all the children were immediately clothed and fed, and the poor widow had well-nigh run distracted with joy.

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