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"'Oh yes, 'm, it's elegant! Only I was wishin' I could take it to Caddy and Tot, if you didn't mind. They never had frostin' in all their lives, and I did once. "Of course I put up a little basket of cake and oranges and figs, and while Lotty feasted, we talked.

Some folks act like Sundays an' holidays was not only the frostin', but the nuts an' candy an' ice-cream o' things their ice-cream, to eat an' pass to their own, an' scrape the freezer." And then came the heart of the matter. "'T seems," said Calliope, "there's that children's Christmas tree at the new minister's on Christmas Eve.

"An' the big cake has got pink frostin' on top of it, an' my dolly has got on her best dress 'cause she knew you was comin', an' I've kept askin' Aunt Prudence all day what time it was, an' how long it would be 'fore you'd be here, an' Tabby's got a ribbon on her neck, an' the house an' barn has been painted, an' the cars an' engine ride behind our barn now, an' I guess that's all," said Prue, with a sigh, as if regretting that there was so little news.

"I'm sorry, mamma," Bert said, as he watched Dinah wipe the frosting off her face with her apron. "I didn't know she was coming through the door then." "And I shore didn't see yo', honey lamb," went on the cook. "Land ob massy! Look at mah cake!" she cried, as she gazed at the mass in her lap. "All de frostin' am done slid off it!" "Yes, you're a regular wedding cake yourself, Dinah," said Mr.

It thinks the rest o' the days are reg'lar, self-respecting days, but it looks on Christmas like an extry thing, thrown in to please 'em. It acts as if the rest o' the year was plain cake an' the holidays was the frostin' to be et, an' everybody grab the best themselves, give or take." "Calliope!" I cried for this was as if the moon had objected to the heavens.

Further, it's gettin' cold on the stoop, an' ye'll be frostin' yer toes, the pink little toes I fished splinters out iv at Dyea. So it's in with ye, Frona girl, an' good-night." He thrust her inside and departed. When he reached the corner he stopped suddenly and regarded his shadow on the snow. "Matt McCarthy, yer a damned fool! Who iver heard iv a Welse not knowin' their own mind?

"Oh, yes, mercy gracious, yes! I'll go get the eggs 'n' graham flour, an' an' molasses. Could we sweeten it with molasses, Miss Theodosia? It'll take all o' my sugar for the frostin'. We are pretty used to bein' sweetened with molasses " Miss Theodosia had a swift mental taste on her tongue of Stefana's graham birthday cake, molasses-sweet.

We finds the place after awhile, a lodgin'-house all lorn and loony, set down all by itself in the middle o' some real estate extension like a tepee in a 'barren' a crazy 'modern' house all gimcrack and woodwork and frostin', with never another place in so far as you could hear a coyote yelp.

I begun to have a suspicion the stuff was made of sawdust with plasty of Paris fur frostin'. The sixth day I was sure it was sawdust, and my shameful debauch comes to an end right there.

"I won't," said Eva, who was very pale, except for burning spots on her cheeks. "She's afraid she won't get frostin' on her cake, and silk dresses, I expect," Jim Tenny said, and laughed, but his laugh was very bitter. "Jim Tenny, you know better than that," Eva cried, sharply. "I won't stand that." Jim Tenny, with a quick motion, unwound his arm from Eva's waist and stripped up his sleeve.