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Steele every moment and insist I understand only English. Baron de Bach observes a day or two after this: "Señorita's knowledge of French and Jherman ees better zome days dthan odthers. But it ees gude for me that I vill learn spik zo beautiful Eenglish." "Forgif me, Señorita," he says, beginning afresh after a pause, "but vhat blue eyes you haf!" "You are colour blind, Baron," observes Mrs.

It was something, however, to be sure of privacy, to know himself alone with his Emîr in knowledge of the English tongue. "Oh, sir," he faltered, "forgif me, do, or I shall die of grief. You 'f neffer been the same to me since goin' to the Mission. I luf you, sir, enough to gif my life. I thought you would hate me if you knew my mother was a washin'-woman!

So I coom to Yermany and enlist. Gretchen, she coom too an' she stay der. Vell! I help fight Boxer some. Mine Gott, forgif me. I do once some goot for der world dis day." And that was the last of Wyker. The twilight hour was near. The wounded had been borne away by busy Red Cross angels of mercy.

In extreme confusion the Baron stammered "I beg your pardon! Forgif me but ach, not zose questions, please!" Relenting a little, she inquired "What may I ask you, then? Do tell me! You see I want just to know all about you." With an affrighted gesture the Baron turned to his friend. "Bonker," said he, "she does vant to know yet more about me! Vill you please to tell her."

Gradually his face relaxed a little, until all at once, when the bump in the bottom of the bottle was beginning to appear above the wine, the whole room was startled by a stentorian, “Ha, ha, ha!” “My dear Bonker!” cried the Baron, when he had finished laughing, “forgif me! I begin for to see ze moral, ha, ha, ha!”

Put her laty must forgif her, for it is a long tale, not like anything you 'll pe in ta way of peliefing; and aalso, it'll pe put ta tassel to another long tale which tears ta pag of her heart, and makes her feel a purning tevil in ta pocket of her posom. Put she'll tell you ta won half of it that pelongs to her poy Malcolm. He 's a pig poy now, put he wasn't aalways. No.

She lifted her arms, then dropped them heavily upon his bowed shoulders. "Dar is such a brightness come, señor. Eet light everyting like eet vas de day. Maybe I be good too, now dat a good man lofe me; maybe de God forgif all de bad because I lofe. You tink so? Oh, eet eet joys me so señor! señor!"

For you comprehend? my wife and I have settled that she shall forgif her oncle; I shall forgif my father; but from them we take no cent, not a red, not a scad! We are independent! Of ourselves we make a Fourth of July. United we stand; divided we shall fall over! There you are! Bueno!"

Papineau he no forgif me if I let Monsieur Hugo go aff an' heem so seek." "Why, of course! I'm not in any special hurry. To-morrow will do just as well. He he mustn't think of going to-day and and it doesn't matter in the least. It it makes no difference at all."

If Henry does not hate me anny more after I am ded, ask him to berry a pore girl whose hart beet for him only, and to forgif me, for I did rong to meddle in what didn't consern me. Tak care of his wounds. How much he sufered, pore fellow! I shall have as much corage to kill myself as he had to burn his bak. Carry home the corsets I have finished. And pray God for your daughter. Ida.