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Updated: January 3, 2025

If Henry does not hate me anny more after I am ded, ask him to berry a pore girl whose hart beet for him only, and to forgif me, for I did rong to meddle in what didn't consern me. Tak care of his wounds. How much he sufered, pore fellow! I shall have as much corage to kill myself as he had to burn his bak. Carry home the corsets I have finished. And pray God for your daughter. Ida.

He appealed to their courage and their patriotism, told them how, from a mean origin, men rise by enterprise and daring to fame and fortune, and demanded who among them would stay behind and hold Port Royal for the King. The greater part came forward, and "with such a good will and joly corage," writes the commander, "as we had much to do to stay their importunitie."

Your last two vissits did me a harm I cannot get ofer. I cannot enter into particlers about that conduct of yours. You hate me, you said so; that word is writen on my heart, and freeses it with fear. Alas! it is now, when I need all my corage, all my strength, that my faculties abandon me. Henry, my frend, before I put a barrier forever between us, give me a last pruf of your esteem.

The greater part came forward, and "with such a good will and joly corage," writes the commander, "as we had much to do to stay their importunitie." Thirty were chosen, and Albert de Pierria was named to command them. A fort was forthwith begun, on a small stream called the Chenonceau, probably Archer's Creek, about six miles from the site of Beaufort.

A gift of books indeed was a passport to his favour, and before the title of each volume he possessed the Duke wrote words which expressed his love of them, "moun bien mondain," "my worldly goods"! Lydgate tells us how "notwithstanding his state and dignyte his corage never doth appalle to studie in books of antiquitie."

Here is yong man which knows our Karl! ant my dear Mutter comes out from a back door. I knew her directly. 'You know our Karl? says she, ant looks at me, ant, white all over, trembles. 'Yes, I haf seen him, I says, without ze corage to look at her, for my heart did almost burst. 'My Karl is alive? she cry. 'Zen tank Got! Vere is he, my Karl?

You have found him? Hom! I should say a maladie of nerfs will come to him. A pin fall he start! A storm at night he is out dancing among his ships of venture! Not a bid of corage! which is bad. If you shall find Mr. Pole for to-morrow on ze lawn, vary glad." With a smile compounded of sniffing dog and Parisian obsequiousness, Mr.

Have you not made me loose all that was dear to me, all that held me to life; parents, frends, onor, reputation, all, I have sacrifised all to you, and nothing is left me but shame, oprobrum, and I say this without blushing poverty. Nothing was wanting to my misfortunes but the sertainty of your contempt and hatred; and now I have them I find the corage that my project requires.

It is not pouerte that kepith Ffrenchmen ffro rysinge, but it is cowardisse and lakke off hartes and corage, wich no Ffrenchman hath like vnto a Englysh man. It hath been offten tymes sene in Englande, that iij or iiij, theves ffor pouerte haue sett apon vj or vij trewe men, and robbed hem all.

Write me, answer me, say you respect me still, though you have seased to love me. My eyes are worthy still to look into yours, but I do not ask an interfew; I fear my weakness and my love. But for pitty's sake write me a line at once; it will give me the corage I need to meet my trubbles. Farewell, orther of all my woes, but the only frend my heart has chosen and will never forget. Ida.

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