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"By my way of figurin' he owed me about four to six thousand dollars he wouldn't pay," Hull went on. "I tried to get him to see it right, thinkin' at first he was just bull-headed. But pretty soon I got wise to it that he plain intended to do me. O' course I wasn't goin' to stand for that, an' I told him so." "What do you mean when you say you weren't goin' to stand for it.

Then, with all three of us safe an' out o' the mess, an' the evidence off our hands, we'll clear out for Gawd's country an' look around for some sort of a profitable investment." "What you figurin' on, Gib?" demanded Captain Scraggs. "I hope it's a steamboat. This wild adventure is all right when you get away with it, but I like steamboatin' on the bay an' up the river."

"I ain't wishin' old José any hard luck," muttered Pete, "but I said I'd send a boy and that there walkin' dream looks like one, anyhow. 'Oh, mañana!" he snorted. "Mexicans is mostly figurin' out to-day what they 're goin' to do to-morrow, and they never git through figurin'. I dunno who my father and mother was, but I know one thing they wa'n't Mexicans."

That talk of yourn about Lane Morgan makin' you manager was straight goods. I know Dolver an' Laskar an' the guy they call 'Chief' plugged Morgan for I heard Stroud an' some more of them talkin' about it. An' I heard that you got Dolver an' Laskar, an' kept Deveny from grabbin' off Barbara Morgan, over in Lamo. But I thought you was playin' for Barbara, too an' I wasn't figurin' on lettin' you."

It it's kinda thrown me off my reckonin'! Are you are you figurin' on goin' right away?" Dryad spun about and threw her head far on one side to scan the whole bare room. "Tomorrow, maybe," she decided, when she turned back to him. "Or the next day at the very latest. You see, everything is about ready now, and there isn't any reason for me to stay, on and on, here is there?"

He grinned again. "Why, I'm preachin'!" And now into his gaze as he looked at Morgan, came cold reproach. "You wasn't figurin' to let Barbara play it a lone hand?" he said. "Hell's fire no!" denied Morgan, his eyes blazing. "I've been watchin' the Rancho Seco as I told Haydon. I saw Barbara set out for Lamo. There was no one followin' her, an' so I thought she'd be all right.

"I was in there, figurin' hard how to get my hosses and get away, when, somehow, Jimmy got to the corral and turned Sneed's stock loose and hazed 'em down the trail. But where he run 'em to is the joke. I figured he would show up at our camp. It would be just like him to run the whole bunch into the ranch corral. And I reckon he done it." "But, Mr. Sneed!" exclaimed Dorothy.

And, say, the last I see of J. Bayard he was driftin' through the door, gazin' absentminded at the envelope, like he was figurin' on how much he could grab off at the first swipe. I gazes after him thoughtful until the comic side of it struck me. "This is a hot combination we're in, eh?" I chuckles to the lawyer gent.

I'll be back to-morrow evening and have another talk with him. Give him something to eat now and then, and fix him so he can sleep, but watch him all the time!" "I was figurin' on goin' to the city this mornin', boss," one of the men spoke up. "You'll do as I say!" the masked man cried. "But " "Don't argue with me, you dog!" Farland saw the man's eyes flash fire for a moment.

Of course, if they're cleaned out but I'm figurin' that they ain't." "Sure. You got to do that," replied O'Grady. "When you goin' to start?" "Soon as I can get Mrs. Van to put me up some chow." "Well, good luck to you and the rest of them. I'd sure hate to think of them folks of ours massacred by a bunch of greasers," and O'Grady strolled sadly away. Mrs.