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Now I have took folks out, and brought 'em back all right, gone as far as them hills over there, and that's a good jag from here, and I only charge four dollars a day and grub." "I thought you said you were constable?" "So I be. Takin' parties across the desert is on the side. How far you figurin' on goin'?" "I haven't made up my mind yet.

I'll turn 'em over to ye when ye leave for the island. How's that?" "I'll compromise," said Trask. "Suppose Miss Locke keeps the gun? You'd hardly expect Miss Locke to shoot you in the back, would you?" "I'll take the ca'tridges," said Jarrow, coming down and holding out his hand. "I ain't figurin' on anybody changin' their mind, but it'll be better to make sure."

"I was just figurin' that Beriah had got the best of you after all, and you'd had to give it up for this time. Thinks I, it's too bad! Just because your dad and Beriah Higgins had such a deuce of a row when they bust up in the fish trade, it's a shame that he won't hark to your keepin' comp'ny with Gertie. And you doin' so well; makin' twenty dollars a week up to the city Ed told me that and "

"Allowin' that Nick Undrell entered by the broken winder an' carried off the valuables you've just bin figurin' up, why, when he went into th' other room, did he take the cigarettes an' leave the tobacco?" "That's a very interestin' proposition which has already occurred to me," said Kiddie. "You see," pursued Rube, "Nick ain't a cigarette smoker. He looks on a cigarette as a childish plaything.

He'll have to play his own hand. Tha's reasonable. But kinda back him up when you get a chance. That notion of lettin' him lick you is a humdinger. Glad you thought of it." "I didn't think of it, an' I ain't thinkin' of it now," Dud retorted. "You blamed old fat skeezicks, you lay around figurin' out ways to make me trouble. You're worse than Mrs. Gillespie for gettin' yore own way. Hmp!

He's drawin' eighteen a week, Steve. Was that all right? You were figurin' on keeping him here?" And then Joe Morgan saw Steve's eyes light up. He saw a swift something flash out from within, which, once or twice before in the years of their friendship, had set his face to burning. "Joe," Steve exclaimed, "you're right about that matter of family trees.

An' sittin' right here in this bunk house, years an' years after, us cowpunchers get th' real cause o' th' whole rumpus, which them Washington folks has bin figurin' out for years, an' couldn't do it none whatever. Didn't I tell you all when a Injun talks he says somethin'?"

My own horse is in the corral back at Stacey." "What was your idea in letting the man go after arresting him?" Lorry's clear color deepened. "I wasn't figurin' on explainin' that." "You don't have to explain. But you will admit that the charges in this letter are rather serious. We don't want men in the Service who are open to criticism. You're pretty young to have such a record.

It don't take much figurin' to see that where there's a pay streak so easy worked as that, there's a lot more of it close handy. An' so they watches Burns close. Burns, he can't divorce himself from his friends any more than an Indian can from his color. This frequent an' endurin' friendliness preys some on Burns's nature, an' bein' of a bashful disposition, he makes several breaks to get away.

Browning ridin' along quiet an' peaceable, figurin' out how he could improve us Rio Blanco savages, an' you come rip-rarin' along an' jar up all his geography by startin' that fool horse of his'n." Dud hung his head. "Tha's right. It was sure enough thoughtless of me," he murmured. The preacher looked at the offender severely. He did not yet feel quite equal to a fitting reprimand.