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Then the saint up and done a marvelous straange thing, for he flinged them feesh back in the well, just as they was, and began praayin' to the Lard to forgive his man. An' the feesh comed alive ag'in and swimmed around, though Barius had cleaned 'em, I s'pose, an' took the guts out of 'em an' everything. Then the chap just catched wan feesh proper, an' St. Neot ate en, an' grawed well by sundown.

"Dinna count your feesh, until you've caught them, Angus Raith," said Maggie, passionately; "and as for luck, it is bad luck you deserve, and bad luck you'll get, wi' your stolen boat." "Hear to the lass! bespeaking sorrow for gude men, on a gude day's wark!" Maggie answered not a word; she turned dourly round, went into her room and locked it.

"Poor girls, I vill not do it again. Next time I vill bring in a nice, clean leetle feesh." Agassiz took no pleasure in shocking his class; on the contrary he was most anxious to engage and hold them. So too, if his audience was made up from people of the simplest. In fact, for each he exerted his powers as generously as when addressing a company of savants.

"She might like to come if her could get some o' the neighbors to bide along wi' Michael. He'm daft for all time, but 'tis said as he'll be childlike wi' it, thank God. I let en knaw 'bout the lass an' he rolled his head an' dropped his jaw, like to a feesh, an' said as 'tweern't no news to en. Which maybe it weern't, for the Lard's got His awn way wi' the idiot. The sayin's of en!

He was a man by the name of Barius, an' he judged as maybe a change of eatin' might do the saint good. So he goes an' takes two o' them feesh 'stead o' wan as the angel said. An' he b'iled wan feesh, an' fried t'other, an' took 'em to St. Neot; an' when he seed what his man been 'bout, he was flustered, I tell 'e.

"He is probably dead, and the wolves and foxes have eaten him before this or mebby ze feesh!" Cummins resumed his task of unpacking, and among the books which he brought forth there were two which he gave to Jan. "The supply ship from London came in while I was at Churchill, and those came with it," he explained. "They're school-books.

The wide-eyed little chap obeyed the big sailor, his yellow curls falling over his eyes. He continued to stare at her, with a fat thumb tucked in a corner of his mouth. "Me come say heem Beel Atkins heem go aff to St. Jean to-day. Heem got load of feesh." "That is important news, Miss Jelliffe. Civilization is opening its arms to you," I told her.

But even as she measured out their starvation her face was looking at him joyously. And then she added, with the gladness of a child, "Feesh, for you," and pointed to the simmering pot. "For ME!" Roscoe looked at the pot, and then back at her. "Oachi," he said gently, "go tell your father that I am ready to talk with him. Ask him to come now."

They kin hev these biscuits fer supper," dropping on one knee and setting forth on the cloth, from the basket on her arm, some thick soggy-looking lumps of dough, "I baked some dodgers, too four, six, eight, ten," she was counting a dozen golden-brown cates of delectable aspect "knowin' they would hone fer cornmeal arter huntin', an' nuthin' else nohow air fitten ter eat with feesh or aigs.

Kitty was stooping before the fire, while Sam was squatting but a short distance away. They both turned and smiled as the girl awoke and spoke to them. "When did you get back, Sam?" she asked. "Short tam' go. Plenty meat now." "Oh, I am so glad! What did you get?" "Feesh, Injun turkey, hut-tok." "What, a deer!" Jean exclaimed, for she knew the meaning of the Indian word. "A-ha-ha, hut-tok. Beeg."