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Updated: August 4, 2024

Tappan.... And, oh, Scott! my silks and laces! my darling clothes! All is coming true! Do you hear? And, Scott! Naïda and Duane are back and I'm dying to see them. Duane is twenty-three, think of it!" She seized him and spun him around. "If you don't hug me and tell me you're fond of me, I shall go mad. Tell me you're fond of me, Scott! You do love me, don't you?"

These extracts from three different Federalist newspapers show the amiable emotions of that side of the house; while Democratic Duane, in the Aurora, could find no better repartee than to attribute the whole trouble to the policy of the administration in renewing commercial intercourse with San Domingo.

Oh, dear! what nonsense I am writing only to keep on writing, because it seems to bring you a little nearer my own my Duane my comrade the same, same little boy who ran away from his nurse and came into our garden to fight my brother and fall in love with his sister! Oh, Fate! Oh, Destiny! Oh, Duane Mallett! "Here is a curious phenomenon.

When this thing is lived down, if that time ever comes, I'll get word into the unsettled country. It'll reach you some day. That's all. Remember, be a man. Goodby." Duane, with blurred sight and contracting throat, gripped his uncle's hand and bade him a wordless farewell. Then he leaped astride the black and rode out of town.

In the latter case his one chance lay in the fatality connected with his name, in his power to look it and act it. Duane had never dreamed of any sleuth-hound tendency in his nature, but now he felt something like one. Above all others his mind fixed on Poggin Poggin the brute, the executor of Cheseldine's will, but mostly upon Poggin the gunman. This in itself was a warning to Duane.

Several of the cowboys and ranchers present exchanged glances. Duane had been weighed by unerring Texas instinct, by men who all packed guns. The boy was the son of his father. Whereupon they greeted him and returned to their drinks and cards. Sol White stood with his big red hands out upon the bar; he was a tall, raw-boned Texan with a long mustache waxed to sharp points.

Wilton hesitated: "I suppose I am.... See here, Duane, how much do you know about anything?" "Nothing," he said without humour; "I'm beginning to worry over my father's health.... Guy, don't tell me anything that my father's son ought not to know; but is there something I should know and don't? anything in which I could possibly be of help to my father?"

And as he stood there, happy, a trifle awed as he began to understand what life might hold for him, there came quick steps on the stair, a knock, her voice outside his door: "Duane! May I come in?" He sprang to the door; she stepped inside, breathing rapidly, delicately flushed from her haste. "I couldn't stand it any longer, so I left Scott to scrape and bow and pull his forelock.

"Before I m-marry you I must be quite certain that you take no risk " She looked up into his steady eyes; a passion of tenderness overwhelmed her, and her locked arms tightened around his neck. "Oh," she whispered, "you are the boy I loved so long, so long ago my comrade Duane my own little boy! How was I to know I loved you this way, too? How could I understand!"

Rosalie laughed: "This is pleasant information for a rainy day," she said. "Duane, have you heard from Geraldine?" "Yes, to-day," he said innocently; "she is leaving Lenox this morning for Roya-Neh. I hear that there is to be some shooting there Christmas week. Scott writes that the boar and deer are increasing very fast and must be kept down. You and Delancy are on the list, I believe."

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