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Why don't ye turn lawyer or depity sheriff, an take to that, Abner?" said Paul Hubbard, an undersized man with a dark face, and thin, sneering lips. He had been a lieutenant in the Continental army, and used rather better language than the country folk ordinarily, which, as well as a cynical wit which agreed with the embittered popular temper, gave him considerable influence.

Jerry expostulated, lifting both hands high in the air in a vain attempt to pull the situation toward the humorous. "You're a depity sheriff, and you got the drop." He grinned, saw that Bud's eyes were still hard and his mouth unyielding, and lowered his hands, looking crestfallen as a kicked pup that had tried to be friendly.

"'All my people are backward with their rents: for heaven's sake, my dear fellow, lend me five hundred and oblige "'Yours, very gratefully, Bareacres may press me about the Depity Leftnant; but I'M for the cavvlery." "Jewly will always be a sacrid anniwussary with me. It was in that month that I became persnally ecquaintid with my Prins and my gracious Sovarink.

"One creased me there," he confessed "a depity marshal that time they had a reward out for me, dead or alive." I was for details. "What did you do?" Jimmie Time stayed laconic. "Left him there that's all!" It was arid, yet somehow informing. It conveyed to me that a marshal had been cleverly put to needing a new deputy. "Burying ground?" I guessed. "That's all!"

Thar ain't been nary sheriff's sale, nor a man tuk ter jail this hull week." "Iry Seymour wuz a gonter sell aout Elnathan Hamlin this week, but somehow he hain't got tew it," said Abner, dryly. "I callate he heard some news from Barrington baout Tuesday." "Iry mout's well give up his comishin ez depity sheriff an try ter git inter some honest trade," remarked Israel.

Jimmie Time loftily ejected imaginary shells from his trusty firearm and seemed to expel smoke from its delicate interior. Boogies waddled his approach. "Any time they back Little Sure Shot up against the wall they want to duck," said he warmly. "He has 'em hard to find in about a minute. Tell him about that fresh depity marshal, Jimmie." "I already did," said Jimmie.

"What are you?" I asked. "I'm the depity," he answered. I saw at once that I was on the right track. Phonetic spelling had again misled me. A half crown tip put the deputy's knowledge at my disposal, and I learned that Mr. Bloxam, who had slept off the remains of his beer on the previous night at Corcoran's, had left for his work at Poplar at five o'clock that morning.

"Well," hazarded the old driver, meditatively, "the boys are waitin'. They say you're slow to start anything, Jim; but they look f'r hell t' pay when y' do." To the stranger it seemed to Kate words must be worth their weight in gold, he parted with them so sparingly. "What's this talk 'bout Farrell Kennedy makin' a depity marshal, Jim?" "Mostly talk, Bill. Good night."

In them six year thar warn't nary court sot nowhere in the caounty, from Boston Corner tew ole Fort Massachusetts, an o' course thar warn't no lawyers an no sheriffs ner no depity sheriffs nuther, tew make every debt twice as big with ther darnation fees.

"Outside of the onbearable contumely of losin' twice to this Centipede outfit, which would be bad enough, we have drawn a month's wages in advance, and we have put it up. Moreover, I have bet my watch, which was presented to me by the officials of the Santa Fe for killin' a pair of road-agents when I was Depity Sheriff."