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"That is no affair of yours," I returned, for I was not going to indulge his bestial curiosity; "it changes nothing in my present predicament." "C'est vrai, ça," he acknowledged, with a laugh; "oui, c'est vrai. Et d'où venez-vous?" A better man than I might have felt nettled. "Oh," said I, "I am not going to answer any of your questions, so you may spare yourself the trouble of putting them.

De toutes celles que possède le Turc, c'est la plus considérable; elle est grande, marchande, et située au pied et au nord du mont Olimpoa (Olympe), d'où descend une rivière qui la traverse et qui, se divisant en plusieurs bras, forme comme un amas de petites villes, et contribue

"France!" cried Heyward, advancing from the shadow of the trees to the shore of the pond, within a few yards of the sentinel. "D'où venez-vous allez-vous, d'aussi bonne heure?" demanded the grenadier, in the language and with the accent of a man from old France. "Je viens de l

Le voeu fait, iamais plus aucun Demon ne molesta Ameriquain en sa compagnie, d'ou vient qu'il se fit Catholique, selon la promesse qu'il en auoit faicte. Mais retournons a nostre discours." Thus prone to believe in the immediate presence of the nether powers, Le Jeune watched the sorcerer with an eye prepared to discover in his conjurations the signs of a genuine diabolic agency.

The people they live with don't seem to know the difference I sometimes make my reflexions about the public one works for." "Ah if you go in for the public's knowing differences you're far too particular," Nick laughed. "D'où tombez-vous? as you affected French people say. If you've anything at stake on that you had simply better not play." "Dear Mr.

C'était le résultat d'un pari. Mais Mlle Vaneck avait quelque habitude des "jeux de rois": le prince fit pénitence le lendemain, et elle ne lui en voulut point. Autre aimable fantaisie du prince: il reçoit le duc d'Orléans, accompagné de son frère naturel, l'abbé de la Fai(?). L'abbé prétend avoir un secret pour charmer les poissons: d'où le pari,

On lui avoit donué un Nouveau Testament daus sa langue, il le lut, et s'expliquant, avec respect, sur ce livre, il commence par déclarer que l'ayant examiné fort soigneusement, il n'y avoit pas trouvé un mot d'ou l'on fuit conclure qu'il y eut trois dieux." Histoire générale des Voyages, par l'Abbé A.F. Prévost. 4to. Paris. 1747. Tom. Job landed at Fort English on the 8th of August, 1734.

Tout mal chaussé, tout mal vêtu, sang the Captain in a doleful voice, Pauvre marin, d'où reviens-tu? Tout doux! Tout doux! With the last word on his lips, he called on the name of his Maker, for he saw two half-naked, dripping figures peering at him through the open door.

I had crossed the Loire the day before; now I was to cross the Allier; so near are these two confluents in their youth. Just at the bridge of Langogne, as the long-promised rain was beginning to fall, a lassie of some seven or eight addressed me in the sacramental phrase, "D'où 'st-ce-que vous venez?" She did it with so high an air that she set me laughing, and this cut her to the quick.

It bore the title 'Recherches historiques et critiques sur l'Homme au Masque de Fer, d'ou resultent des Notions certaines sur ce prisonnier'. These researches brought to light a secret correspondence relative to certain negotiations and intrigues, and to the abduction of a secretary of the Duke of Mantua whose name was Matthioli, and not Girolamo Magni.