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We find a synopsis of it in the Mercure François, 1609, in the preface to the former called Chronologie Septennaire de l'Histoire de la paix entre les rois de France et d'Espagne, 1598-1608. This historical part has been borrowed by Victor Palma Cayet for Champlain's Voyage, and its title is: Navigation des Français en la Nouvelle France dite Canada.

"M. de Marmont ought to be moved at once to his home." "No! no!" protested Victor feebly, "not home! to the Trois Rois .

Lovest thou me not better than her who died five years agone, Merisa the daughter of Rois, though thou didst love her first? See, here is thy babe, thy babe, but one week born. Even from my bed of pain have I risen and followed after thee down these weary roads, and I am like to lose my life for it. Here is thy babe, let it plead with thee.

Then, of a sudden, a flood of radiant glory would be about us, and from the dark cloud above the mountains would burst forth a splendour of glowing crimson and of royal purple and of glittering gold! "Les Rois Mages! Les Rois Mages!" we would cry. "They are coming! They are here at last!" But it would be only the last rich dazzle of the sunset. Presently it would vanish. The owls would be hooting.

The effect of this immurement was soon visible; the Manchu rule, which was emphatically a rule of the sword, was rapidly so weakened that the emperors became no more than rois fainéants at the mercy of their minister. The history of the Nineteenth Century is thus logically enough the history of successive collapses.

Tu regnes, mats lui seul a sauve tes etats: Les bienfaits chez les rois ne font que des ingrats. "And thou, lazy Monarch," stupid Louis, let us omit him: "Pompadour, selling her lover to the highest bidder, makes France, in our day, Austria's slave!" The pomps of my rank I could resign without regret. But to rescue thee, in this black crisis, I will spend my heart's blood.

The last of the Fatimite caliphs were mere tools in the hands of rival ministers, and passed their ignoble lives Rois Fainéants in their luxurious palaces. Syria, which had been theirs, was lost to them, and occupied partly by Mohammedans of the rival sect, and partly by the Christians.

His first important novel, "Fromont Jeune et Risler Aine," 1874, enjoyed a notable success; it was followed in 1876 by "Jack," in 1878 by "Le Nabob," in 1879 by "Les Rois en Exil," in 1881 by "Numa Roumestan," in 1883 by "L'Evangeliste," and in 1884 by "Sapho." These are the seven great romances of modern French life on which the reputation of Alphonse Daudet as a novelist is mainly built.

To hang, le mort du chien! To hang!" "It is my vow," said Sir Nigel shortly. "From what I hear, you thought little enough of hanging others." "Peasants, base roturiers," cried the other. "It is their fitting death. Mais Le Seigneur d'Andelys, avec le sang des rois dans ses veins! C'est incroyable!" Sir Nigel turned upon his heel, while two seamen cast a noose over the pirate's neck.

'C'est la fortune de France': but the better MSS. have 'c'est li infortunés rois de France. This Saturday the Englishmen never departed from their battles for chasing of any man, but kept still their field, and ever defended themselves against all such as came to assail them. This battle ended about evensong time.

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