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They'll be put through th' clearin' house, me faith, an' securities 'll be issued be th' combination. Twinty-year, goold-secured, four per cint bonds iv mathrimony! Aha, 'tis a joke that Chansy Depoo might 've med! "Th' crowd outside waited, cheerin' an' fightin' th' polis. In this here land iv liberty an' akequality, Hinnissy, ivry man is as good as ivry other man, except a polisman.

'It's cheerin' when you don't feel quite the thing. I doubt you can't sing though. 'Oh, the cold's all gone, replied Thyrza. 'We'll see, after tea. They made much of him, and it must have been very sweet to the poor old fellow to be so affectionately tended by these whom he loved as his own children. Mary Bower came not long after tea, then Mr.

"I've most broke my arm," said Micky, ruefully, rubbing the affected limb. "If it's broke you can't fire no more stones, which is a very cheerin' reflection," said Dick. "Ef you haven't money enough to buy a wooden one I'll lend you a quarter. There's one good thing about wooden ones, they aint liable to get cold in winter, which is another cheerin' reflection."

It would be cheerin' to watch Ernie tryin' to let on he didn't notice. He'd already called Sister on the long distance telephone and told her not to wait up for him, explainin' just what it was we was workin' on and how we might not be through until quite late. And Sister had advised him to be sure to wear his silk muffler and not to sleep past his station if he had to take the 11:48 out.

"Them's the camps," said another man, who had come out of the house and was letting the horse out of the shafts. "If we was on the rise o' the hill yonder we could see the Confedick camps, couldn't we, Isaiah?" asked Mary's guide. "Easy," said that prophet. "I heer 'em to-day two, three times, plain, cheerin' at somethin'."

Dooley put his paper aside and pushed his spectacles up on his forehead. "Well," he said, "I suppose, afther all, we're th' mos' lively nation in th' wurruld. It doesn't seem many months ago since ye, Hinnissy, was down at th' depot cheerin' th' departin' heroes " "I niver was," said Mr. Hennessey. "I stayed at home." "Since ye was down cheerin' th' departin' heroes," Mr.

"If these condummit ructions are over," said our general for the wind was blowing cold "forwards ag'in, by clam!" and we marched upon the schoolhouse; but we encountered so many difficulties, of wayward ropes, in hoisting our ensign, that Captain Pharo declared, rubbing his chilled hands: "'T we'd omit the usual cheerin' 'tell we'd been in and thawed out ef they was any thaw to us leastways baited."

'E needs a little cheerin', awfter the mess 'e's made o' things! 'For trying to put before a member of the Government a statement of the injustice 'That ain't why they're in gaol. It's fur ringin' wot's-'is-name's door-bell. 'Kickin' up rows in the street 'Oh, you shut up, says the old champion, out of patience. 'You've 'ad 'arf a pint too much.

"Is it gratooitous, or do you expect to be paid for it?" "You're an impudent fellow." "That's a very cheerin' reflection," said Dick, good-naturedly. "Do you expect to get this place when there's gentlemen's sons applying for it? A boot-black in a store! That would be a good joke."

"No; he stopped fishin' and went home." Here the conversation was interrupted. The loud tones in which Zeke had been speaking, in order to be heard through the door, had attracted attention below. His father came to the foot of the attic stairs and demanded suspiciously: "What you doin' there, Zeke?" "Tryin' to cheer up Phil Gray," answered Zeke jocosely. "He don't need any cheerin' up.