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"I don't want none of yer cheerin' reflections," said Micky, sullenly. "Yer company aint wanted here." "Thank you for your polite invitation to leave," said Dick, bowing ceremoniously. "I'm willin' to go, but ef you throw any more stones at me, Micky Maguire, I'll hurt you worse than the stones did." The only answer made to this warning was a scowl from his fallen opponent.

Moreover, the cheerin' proves that our side must be gettin' the best of it, an' are drivin' the enemy this way, so all we've got to do is to hide on that hillock an' bide our time." "Don't swear at your enemies, Simkin," said the marine quietly; "but when you get the chance fire low!"

Think of it booze-guzzlin' stiffs that 'd be afraid to mix it with a sick cat, not fit to hold the coat of any decent man, think of them a-standin' up on their hind legs an' yellin' an' cheerin' me ME!" "Ha! ha! What d'ye think of that? Ain't he a rogue?"

"Oh, I didn't know ye was havin' a meetin'," said Emily Gaskell, mockingly. "No more we ain't, Emily," said Grandma Keeler. "We was jest cheerin' ourselves up a little, singin' about home. Come you, now, and sing with us": "We're goin' home, No more to roam."

"By the time you get to be a gray-headed veteran, you may get a chance to run errands for some big firm on the Bowery, which is a very cheerin' reflection." So Dick by his drollery and perpetual good spirits kept up Fosdick's courage. "As for me," said Dick, "I expect by that time to lay up a colossal fortun' out of shines, and live in princely style on the Avenoo."

Twenty knot an hour she came, every cabin lighted, an' her boats swung awa'. It was grandly done, an' in the inside of an hour. She stopped like Mrs. Holdock's machine; down went the gangway, down went the boats, an' in ten minutes we heard the passengers cheerin', an' awa' she fled. "'They'll tell o' this all the days they live, said Bell. 'A rescue at sea by night, as pretty as a play.

"Some kind people have been talking of a home for soldiers, and I hope the plan will be carried out. It will take time; but, if it comes to pass, you shall be one of the first men to enter that home, Joe, if I can get you there." "That sounds mighty cheerin' and comfortable, thanky, ma'am.

But massy knows, we can't live on spice-cake and Charlotte Ruche, and I do feel as if books was more sustainin' ef they was full of every-day people and things, like good bread and butter. Them that goes to the heart and ain't soon forgotten is the kind I hanker for. Mis Terry's books now, and Mis Stowe's, and Dickens's Christmas pieces, them is real sweet and cheerin', to my mind."

"When the light of the lantern fell upon that bottle we got a shock. Instead of the cheerin' color that usually fills useful bottles, the contents of this here one was green green as grass off a June hillside. "'Well! says William, 'what in where in why, it's perfumery! he hollers, and raises it for a smash. "'Hold, William! Hold! says I. 'It's got red sealin'-wax on the top.

The men inside mostly diggers makin' through to Victoria w'en they got the hang of things bust out roarin' an' cheerin', an' said, 'Leave the dawg on the road an' giv him a stummick ache. He tried to get up, but they pushed him off. He made great threats about the law, but miners is the gamest men alive an' loves fair play.