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Jim's all right an' I done my duty, I hope, but these two that ain't of us, they done more Mr. Byng and Mr. Stafford. Here's three cheers, lads no, this ain't a time for cheerin'; but ye all ha' got hands." His hand caught Ian's with the grip of that brotherhood which is as old as Adam, and the hand of miner after miner did the same.

"It's sure a mean jack pot," said James. "It looks like they have it on us every way. The prospects for our emergin' winners ain't cheerin' none, but, gents, speakin' for myself alone, I wouldn't sell at no price. I'm aimin' to live where I be till you-alls beds me down for keeps. I reckon I'll stay with the game while I got a chaw and a ca'tridge left.

And if she had to go through a room where I was, or pass me in the hall, she'd sort of duck her head, hold one hand over her mouth, and scuttle along like a mouse beatin' it for his hole. You needn't think I'm pilin' on the agony, either. I couldn't exaggerate Lindy if I tried. And if you imagine it's cheerin' to have a human being as humble as all that around, you're mistaken.

An' yet so many have eaten meals here an' warmed theirselves in their time. Yet all departed afore us! . . . But anyway you'll be hereabouts: an' that'll be a cheerin' kind o' thought, o' lonely nights that you'll be hereabouts, with your eye on 'em." He lit a pipe and, whilst puffing at it, pricked up his ears to the sound of wheels down the street. The brakes were arriving at the bridge-end.

Why for do folks fix 'emselves like funeral mutes in winter? It's just the artistic mind in 'em. They'd hate flying in the face of Providence by cheerin' themselves up with a bit of color. Art is art, Dy, my boy; maybe art ain't in your line, seein' you're a Government servant. Ther' ain't nothin' but red pine for the inside of that church, or all art's bust to hell.

"She plucks up 'bout it. She 'm awver hopeful." "Doan't say so! A very wise woman her." Phoebe entered at this moment, and Mr. Blee turned from where he was standing by his basket. "I be cheerin' your gude man up," he said. She sighed, and sat down wearily near Will. "I've brought 'e a chick for your awn eatin' an' " Here a scuffle and snarling and spitting interrupted Billy.

"George," said I, "however in the world could you keep it so long?" "Well," said George puff, puff "well, when we were gettin' so short of grub" puff "thinks I" puff "the time's comin'" puff, puff "when we'll need cheerin' up" puff "and, says I," puff "I'll just sneak this away until that time comes."

Well, you never heerd sich a shoutin' and clappin' of hands, and cheerin', in your life; they haw-hawed like thunder. Says I, 'Jehiel Quirk, that was a superb joke of your'n; how you made the folks larf, didn't you? You are e'enamost the wittiest critter I ever seed.

High, high above all the throngs of human folks who wuz cheerin' her down below up above the sea of glitterin' light up above the bendin' trees that clasped their hands together in silent applaudin' above her, up, up, into the clear heavens, rose that glorious voice a singin' some song about love, love that wuz deathless, eternal.

And now that the master and the quality had made their appearance, of course the drink should soon follow, and in a short time the hints to that effect began to thicken. "Thunder and turf, Jemmy, but this is dry work; my throat's like a lime-burner's wig for want of a drop o' something to help me for the cheerin'."