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"You are the champeen of 'em all! I take off my hat to you." Which Conley did, then and there. "I am afraid I shall not be able to get that rope down, sir," said Phil politely to the farmer. "I am sorry. I had not figured on that before. If you will be good enough to tell me how much the rope is worth I shall be glad to pay you for it.

George you got the champeen wire-puller of the lot, the king politician of them all the only one in this town, I do believe, could have thrown a bag as neat over your head, Mr. West." "Why, Plonny! Much learning has made you mad! I know Dayne like a book, and he's as straightforward a fellow as ever lived." Mr.

Hennessy's request for information, "is a champeen checker-player. Whin th' war broke out, me frind Mack wint to me frind Hanna, an' says he, 'What, he says, 'what can we do to cr-rush th' haughty power iv Spain, he says, 'a'n br-ring this hateful war to a early conclusion?" he says. 'Mobilize th' checker-players, says Hanna.

"Young feller, me lad," cried the Old Un, reaching out nimbly and catching the Spider's extended hand, "you got a sharp eye, a true eye a eye as can discrimpinate, like ah, like a flash o' light. You're right, me lad, I was the best fightin' man, the greatest champeen as ever was sixty odd years ago. Ho, yus, I were the best of 'em all, an' I ain't t' be sniffed at now.

"You licked Cyclone Dick all right, Kid, I hear." "And who but a bone-head thought he wouldn't?" demanded the third warmly. "He could whip a dozen Cyclone Dicks in the same evening with his eyes shut." "He's the next champeen," admitted the first speaker. "If he juts it over Jimmy Garvin," argued the second. "Jimmy Garvin!" cried the third. "He can whip twenty Jimmy Garvins with his feet tied.

She picked him up gently and carried him out. "He's a champeen at that too," said Steve. "I had to pull him out of the hay this morning. Well, I guess he's earned it. He's had a busy day." "What happened then, Steve?" "Why, after that there wasn't a thing to it. Whiting, poor simp, couldn't see it. 'Betcha ten dollars my kid wins, he hollers.

"Ain't you the champeen bone-dome?" muttered Bill. Such an attitude seemed to him both senseless and quixotic, for he had never attached the least sentiment to money. Money was an elemental necessity, therefore he looked upon it with practical, unromantic eyes, and helped himself to it as he helped himself to such elemental necessities as air or water.

He's had his ribs stove in, busted an arm, shot hisself by accident, got rheumatism, had his nose bit off by a railroad guy while he was b'iled, an' finally married a female battle-axe, all inside o' two years. He's the hard luck champeen, though, Charley is." It had snowed heavily during the night. The day was "soft," in the phrase of the pioneer. In places the ground was almost clear.

Ye niver hear iv thim on'y whin they die; an' thin, murther, what funerals they have! "Well, this Clancy wint on th' fire departmint, an' they give him a place in thruck twinty-three. All th' r-road was proud iv him, an' faith he was proud iv himsilf. He r-rode free on th' sthreet ca-ars, an' was th' champeen hand-ball player f'r miles around.

Bimeby a buck stepped up and begun makin' signs. He pointed to the sun four times, and we gathered that he wanted us to wait four days until he could go and get another man. Mike tipped me the wink, sayin': "They're goin' after the champeen of the tribe. That phony faint of mine done it. Will we wait? Why, say, we'd wait four years, wouldn't we? Sweet pickin's, I call it. Champeen, huh?"