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In other words, darling, to a lonely and somewhat morbid philosopher like Markham you're a horrible example of what may become of a female person of liberal views who has had the world suddenly laid in her lap; the spoiled child launched into the full possession of a fabulous fortune with no ambition more serious than to become the 'champeen lady-aviator of Madison Avenue " "Olga!

"He'll be here this afternoon. Nigger Mike's bringin' him over from the railroad. He's a guest." "Oh!" "Yep! He's intercollegit champeen of Yale." "Yale?" repeated the near-sighted man. "Don't know's I ever been there. Much of a town?" "I ain't never travelled East myself, but Miss Jean and the little yaller-haired girl say he's the fastest man in the world.

Th' best amachoor ball team is beat be a bad profissional team; a profissional boxer that thrains on bock beer an' Swiss cheese can lam the head off a goold medal amachoor champeen that's been atin' moldy bread an' dhrinkin' wather f'r six months, an' th' Dago that blows th' cornet on th' sthreet f'r what annywan 'll throw him can cut the figure eight around Dinnis Finn, that's been takin' lessons f'r twinty year.

Speed, while we honor you a heap for your accomplishments, and while we believe in you as a man and a champeen, we kind of feel that it might make you stretch your legs some if you knew just exactly what this foot-race means to the Flying Heart outfit." "I assured you that the Centipede cook would be beaten," said the college man, stiffly. "Isn't Mr. Speed's word sufficient?" inquired the girl.

That little spool man, Dannie, iducatin' Jones of the gravel gang, and Bingham of the Standard, and York of the 'lectric railway, and Haines of the timber gang, not to mintion the champeen rat-catcher of the Wabash." Jimmy hugged himself, and rocked on the edge of the bed. "Oh, I can just see it, Dannie," he cried. "I can just see it now!

"Begorra, to see yez is a soight for sore eyes and to hear yez is music to deaf ears!" chuckled Barney Mulloy. "You're the same old rabid champeen av the downtrodden masses. You're still pratin' away about the coming of the great earthquake." "That's right, by gum!" grinned Gallup. "But, say, why didn't yeou warn the people of Frisco before they gut shook up?"

"Reckoned I'd seen you somewhere!" said another. "You licked Cyclone Al. all right, Kid, I hear." "And who but a bone-head thought he wouldn't?" demanded the third warmly. "He could whip a dozen Cyclone Al.'s in the same evening with his eyes shut." "He's the next champeen," admitted the first speaker. "If he puts it over Jimmy Garvin," argued the second. "Jimmy Garvin!" cried the third.

Would he paint those the shadows as well as the lights? Or would he see her as Marsac, the Frenchman, had seen her, the pretty, irresponsible child of fortune who lived only for others who were as gay as herself with no more serious purpose in life than to become, as Olga had said, "the champeen lady-aviator of Madison Avenue."

Thin they was Terrence, a big, bould, curly-headed lad that cocked his hat at anny man, or woman f'r th' matter iv that, an' that bruk th' back iv a polisman an' swum to th' crib, an' was champeen iv th' South Side at hand ball. An' he wint. Thin th' good woman passed away.

Well, 'twud've gone har-rd with th' lad if he'd lost th' fight in th' ring. He'd have to lose another at home. I'll bet five dollars that th' first lady iv th' land licks th' champeen without th' aid iv a stove lid. I know it.