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We've framed a foot-race, and put up our panga because you said you had a champeen. Now, we ain't sayin' you lied 'cause if we thought you had, I'd gut-shoot you here, now." Willie paused, while Glass licked his lips and undertook to frame a reply. The black muzzle of the weapon hovering near his heart, however, stupefied him.

"I'd take a li'l' bet that New York ain't lookin' for no champeen ropers or bronco-busters," said Stace. "Now if Clay was a cabby-ret dancer or a Wall Street wolf " "There's no street in the world twelve miles long where Clay couldn't run down and hogtie a job if he wanted to," insisted Johnnie loyally. "Ain't that right, Clay?" Clay was not listening.

"I seen big Doherty runnin' in a sojer to-day an' 'twas a fine sight. Th' sojer was fr'm th' County Kerry an' had a thrip an' Doherty is th' champeen catch-as-catch-can rassler iv Camp Twinty-eight. He had a little th' worst iv it, f'r he cud on'y get a neck holt, th' warryor havin' no slack to his pants, but he landed him at last. 'Twas gr-reat to see thim doin' a cart-wheel down th' sthreet."

"For he's a jolly good fellow. For he's " There was a sound of quick footsteps outside, and Mamie entered the room like a small whirlwind. "Be quiet!" she cried. "Do you want to wake him?" "Wake him?" said Steve. "You can't wake that kid with dynamite." He raised his glass. "Ladeez'n gentlemen, the boy wonder! Here's to him! The bantam-weight champeen of Connecticut.

"Und any time," he began, "dat you'd like to inspect dem claims " "The Champeen Rough-Riding Barber!" repeated Old Bunk with gusto, "he won his title on the race-track at Tucson, before safety razors was invented." "Shut up!" snapped the Professor and, crossing the plank with waspish quickness, he went squattering off down the creek.

I tell ye I used to go out in th' avenin' an' putt me mashie like hell-an'-all, till I was knowed fr'm wan end iv th' county to th' other as th' champeen putter. I putted two men fr'm Roscommon in wan day, an' they had to be took home on a dure. "In America th' ga-ame is played more ginteel, an' is more like cigareet-smokin', though less unhealthy f'r th' lungs.

In fact, the freshmen tried to get even money, but could not. The fourth and fifth rounds were filled with good, sharp, scientific work, but toward the close of the fifth both men seemed a trifle groggy. Neither had a decided advantage. "Dat Merriwell is a boid!" declared Buster Kelley enthusiastically. "Why, dat chap could be der champeen of der woild if he went inter der business fer fair.

He's split plumb to the larynx and I bet he can run, for all of that wind-shield." I noticed that Mike was pretty grave when he come back in the tent, and more than once that day I caught him lookin' at the champeen, sort of studyin' him out.

Prisidint Taft repoorted stymied. He's th' best goluf player we've iver had as prisidint. He cud give Abra'm Lincoln a shtroke a stick. He bate th' champeen iv the' wurruld last week be a scoore iv wan hundhred an' eighty-two to siventy-six. He did so. "Here's a column about yisterdah's game. 'A large crowd assimbled to see th' match. Prisidint appeared ca'm an' collected.

"We don't b'lieve you, anyhow," muttered one of the boys, but Single didn't seem to hear. He was wrapped up in his story. "He'd throw th' discus from here down t' th' corral." "What's a discus?" asked a puncher. "It doesn't matter, but he c'd throw it," said Single. "An' he was champeen of America; not only that, but champeen of th' whole world."