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"She ce'tainly rides herd on that machine like a champeen," admitted Soapy. "I reckon I'll drift over to the Lazy D with you to look after yore remains, Tex, when the lightning hits you." Miss Messiter swung the automobile round in a swift circle, came to an abrupt halt in front of the hotel, and alighted without delay.

His eyes was as bright as silver coins, and his voice had a queer ring to it. "What a night!" said he. "And what a life this is Lord! I'm tired of pot-huntin'. I've trimmed suckers till I'm weary; I've toted a gold brick in my pocket till my clothes bag. I'm sick of it. I'm goin' to beat this Injun champeen, take my half of our winnin's, sell off the runty ones, and settle down."

That Jew man 'd been champeen iv th' wurruld if all iv him cud 've kept out iv close quarthers with th' man again him. "I don't quarrel with Jools' feelin's, mind ye. 'Tis th' histhry iv th' wurruld that th' Jews takes our watches fr'm us be tin per cint a month, an' we take thim back be means iv a jimmy an' a piece iv lead pipe. They're on'y two known methods iv finance, bankin' an' burglary.

Grace waved a hand and smiled at the eager faces of the cowboys who, lined up on their ponies, just to the rear of Bud and a companion, were eagerly hanging on Bud's words, but not taking their gaze from Grace Harlowe's face for an instant. "The bunch reckoned, too, that bein' a champeen mebby you'd take a little present from 'em.

"For a feller that c'd move so quick he was s'prisin' lazy; so lazy he'd trip over his feet gettin' out o' his own way. An' drinkin', an' gamblin'! say, I won't take your time tellin' you all th' things he liked. All you had t' do was t' ast yourself was a thing wrong. If it was, Sam liked it. "Bein' a champeen, o' course Sam had a manager what made money out o' Sam's stunts, for both o' 'em.

Stover wheeled upon him abruptly. "What's wrong?" "Oh, nothing." After a pause the foreman remarked, vaguely, "He's the intercollegit champeen of Yale." "Oh no, hardly that, or I would have heard of him." "Ain't he no champeen?" "Champion of the running broad smile and the half-mile talk perhaps." "Ain't he a foot-runner?" "Perhaps. I've never seen him run, but I have my doubts."