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Besides havin' natural thickness of the skull Sam trained his head by buttin' with the black boys when he was young." Dick saw that the man really felt deep emotion and was chattering, partly to hide it. He was glad that they had found his brother, and he helped them to lift him. Then they rubbed Sam's wrists and poured a stimulant down his throat.

"This ain't no sort o' justice. Wot's these folks buttin' in fer? They've stuffed him full o' lies 'cause he's sick an' dying. I tell yer it's a trick, an' when he speaks it'll be to tell his usual lies " "It ain't lies, I tell yer it ain't lies." It was Elia speaking, suddenly roused from his stupor by the vicious charge. His words came in a high, shrill voice. "I don't need to tell no lies.

One night Captain announced to his partner. "I'm going over to the Frenchmen's, I hear Menard is down." "What's the use of buttin' in where ye ain't wanted? As fer me, them frogeaters can all die like salmon; I won't go nigh 'em an' I've told 'em so. I give 'em good advice, an' what'd I get? What'd that daffy doctor do? Pooh-poohed at me an' physiced them. Lord!

"Royce," said Blenham, his hesitation passed, "you're fired. Barbee, I'll take you on right now." Few-worded was Blenham, a trick learned from his master. Across the room Bill Royce had floundered at last to his feet, crying out mightily: "Hi! None o' that, Blenham. It's my fight, yours an' mine, with Barbee jus' buttin' in where he ain't asked.

But the stranger made no move toward his guns, and when he answered he might have been talking about the weather, so casual was his tone. "I reckon you think you're a plum man," he said quietly. "But if you are, you ain't showed it much buttin' in with that there wise observation. An' there's some men who think that shootin' at a man is more excitin' than shootin' at a can."

Then Gladys came out of the house, in a miserable, thin, dirty gown, and she was Maria's ally. "Let that baby go!" she cried to Josephine. She tugged fiercely at Josephine's white skirt. "Gladys Mann, you go right straight into the house. What be you buttin' in for!" screamed her mother. "You let that girl's hair alone. Josephine, what you been up to. You might have killed this baby."

"Now he's gone off to spoil Buddy's doin's. Buttin' in, that's what it is. If I knew where Buddy is, I'd warn him. I'd tell him to look out. I'd tell him to grab his chance when it comes along, if it takes all the Briskow money, all the Briskow wells. He's lucky, Buddy is. It don't make any difference who he took up with, if he loves her."

Her an' Flo do all right thar, but me an' Eb feel more at home on the water, with no women buttin' in." "Is Flo your daughter?" "Sure. An' Eb's me son. Jist the two, so I named this craft after 'em, ye see, Eb an' Flo sounds about right to my way of thinkin'. When yer boatin' on this river ye have to be allus considerin' the ebb an' flow of the tide, so the name is quite handy."

"Gee, dat's Burke, de guy dat's been after me, and I'm goin' ter do 'im. Is he buttin' in on dis?" "Yes; what about him? You're not scared of him, are you?" "Naw; but he's a bad egg. Say, he's a rookie dat t'inks 'e kin clean up our gang. Now, you better dish dis job and let Shepard pull de trick. Take it from yer Uncle Jim!"

He could have groaned, cried out aloud! "Say, thanks, Wowzer, for piping me off!" said Jimmie Dale effusively. "Oh, dat's all right," responded the Wowzer graciously. "Only keep it under yer hat except wid de crowd. De bulls ain't on, an' de Mole saw her first see? Dere ain't goin' to be no buttin' in till she gets hers!