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I murmured with designing soft reproach. "I was coming up by and by, to say good-bye," said Luther, brokenly. "Only for that?" I questioned, and sighed with a perfect abandonment of rectitude and good faith to the selfish gratification of that moment. "What else should I come up for?" he exclaimed, breaking out into sudden passion.

When his field-officer approaches, anticipating some important charge of duty, sword and revolver in hand, the ghastly face of Valois alarms him. "Colonel!" he cries. Valois motions him to be seated. "Peyton," begins Valois, brokenly, "I am struck to the heart." He is ashy pale. His head falls on his friend's bosom. "My wife!" He needs not finish. The open letters tell the story. It is death news.

At this affecting picture Roseen wept more than ever, and brokenly assured the honest fellow that not for all the Mister Quinns in the world would she ever forget him, and that she would wait for him till she was grey, she would, an' marry nobody else, no matter what might happen.

"Now," said I, when he'd gulped it down, "let's hear what's turned up." He looked at me kind of dimly, and I'll be shot if two tears didn't well up in his eyes and run down his cheeks. "I've come to ask you," he said slowly and brokenly, "to ask you if you won't intercede with Gorgett for me; to ask you if you won't beg him to to grant me an interview before to-morrow noon." "What!"

At first her gaze was unseeing, then slowly she took in his anxious face. "Where am I?" she murmured brokenly. "You are safe, and with friends!" he replied. "I stumbled over you in the road, you had fallen, somehow, in that dreadful thunder-storm." Her eyes met his, and for one long instant she seemed to be searching his face.

Here weeping willows trailed their weeds of daintiest green; here vigorous chestnut buds threw out their strong scent; here osier-beds were a living tangle of gold and crimson reflected brokenly in the lake where frogs made merry, the frogs being about the only wild animals left in the Stromovka.

"Set your mind at rest, mamma; you have made duty plain. I will do my best, and it now all rests with Roger." "Millie, you are a dear, good child," said the mother brokenly, and with smiles shining like light through her tears; and after a close embrace she went out, closing the door that the weary girl might rest at last.

His mask-like immobility broke up ... was gone. Her own tears falling, she stretched her arms to him; yet while his eyes devoured her, his arms hungered for her, he delayed, knitting his brows. She caught a word or two, whispered brokenly. He asked himself: "Can this be Love?" "It is Love! Owen, I kissed you one night when I found you sleeping! When will you kiss me back again?"

I am glad you helped Mr. Graves make his class dinner.... May I stay?" Frederick stepped forward, holding out his hand. "Thanks," he said brokenly; "I shall never forget this in you." The clasping of the two hands and the smile on the lips of the student made Tess broaden her own. "Yep, jerk off yer coat, and eat," ordered she. "Air ye heard about Daddy?" "Yes." Young hesitated a moment.

Round the turn of the road, after passing the idiot and his goats, with the brawling stream of the Bran Brook, now swollen to a respectable little river, on our left, with the wooded hills rising on our right, we entered the long, narrow winding single street of Vediamnum, a paved lane along the close-crowded tall stone houses built against the hillside on the northeast, with the stream along it to the southwest, and houses wedged between the street and the stream, brokenly, for about half of its length, with open intervals between.