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"The Yankees have got Dan and have taken him away as prisoner but don't worry, we'll get him exchanged in a week. I'll give three brigadier-generals for him." Tears came to the girl's eyes, but she smiled through them bravely. "I must go back and tell mother," she said, brokenly. "I hoped " "Don't worry, little girl," said Morgan again. "I'll have him if I have to capture the whole State of Ohio."

Beaten, stunned, hang-jawed with despair, he returned her long, dumfounded gaze hopelessly and told the truth like an inspired dunce. "I came I came to bring another man away," he whispered brokenly; and, at the very moment, several heavy, half-suppressed voices broke into eager talk overhead. The white hand that held the candle wavered, and the shadows glided in a huge, grotesque dance.

He ceased rubbing her hands, staggered over to Pierre, who was standing with averted face in the middle of the room, buried his head in his bosom and said brokenly: "No, Pierre, don't go for the medicine, nor for the water, nor for anything now, for what you said is true. Mon Dieu, true, too true!"

From Link's throat were bursting great strangled sobs which tortured his whole body and made his speech a tangled jumble that was not pretty to hear. "Chum!" he wailed brokenly, clutching the dog's huge ruff in both shaky hands. "Chum, old friend! Gawd forgive me! You saved me from drowndin' an' from goin' broke, this night! You been the only friend that ever cared a hang if I was alive or dead!

Death! it would be sweet to die now with your arms around me; but to live year after year with him! How can I go to him, now that I have known you? How can I bear his presence, his touch?" She shuddered there in Cecil's arms. All her being shrunk in repugnance at the thought of Snoqualmie. "Thank God for death!" said Cecil, brokenly.

He sank down upon the bench, drew his boy toward him and said brokenly, "Nay, nay, it shall not be yours. I shall free you from it. In this new land, let life be new with you. Let not the shadow of the old rest upon you." He gathered the boy up in his strong arms and strained him to his breast. "Now farewell, my son. Ah!

Tell him the Weasel has bitten; bitten to the bone. Lift me a little," he asked, then continued brokenly: "The Wolf is head of a system of spies in America. They have headquarters in Mexico, St. Louis and 'Frisco, as well as here. The Wolf is the head; he is master of them all. I don't know who he is. Nobody knows. They all call him Excellency or the Wolf.

The words came very bitterly and for the first time in his life Paul saw tears in Hamilton's eyes. The musician rose and passed an unsteady hand over his brow. "I'm thinking about mother," he said brokenly. "I must go up and be with her when she learns." Hamilton wheeled, speaking quickly. "Yes, do. I shall follow you shortly.

"I didn't know I didn't know," Johnny Everard said brokenly. "I didn't know, and oh, my God! I am not worthy of that! I am not worthy of that!" Once again Mr. Philip Slotman was tainting the fragrant sweetness and freshness of the night with the aroma of a large and expensive J.S. Muria.

"No, no," he said; and she sank down on her knees beside him and cried. He put his thin, yellow hand on her hair. "There, there," he said brokenly, "I understand a lot of things I didn't. We get wiser as we get older." She left the room, ostensibly to wash her face and hands, and cried her eyes out. Was he really forgiving her at last? And she had lied to him so!