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Don't cast it from you don't put it away." "I know," she said, brokenly. "It is agony, but it is sacred." His eyes grew dim. She withdrew her hand, and they talked a little about her journey. "But you will come back," he said to her, presently, with earnestness; "your friends here will think it an honor and a privilege to welcome you." "Oh yes, I shall come back.

Was the passage of Manisty's being through the world to be for her ineffaceable? so that earth and air retained the impress of his form and voice, and only her tortured heart and sense were needed to make the phantom live and walk and speak again? She began to pray brokenly and desperately, as she had often prayed during the last few weeks.

"The leopards thought her dead," whispered Smith brokenly, "and never touched her!" "Listen!" cried Sir Lionel Barton. He stood upon the black rug before the massive, carven mantelpiece, a huge man in an appropriately huge setting. I checked the words on my lips, and listened intently. Within Graywater Park all was still, for the hour was late.

"You'll make a man of me, Doris," he said brokenly, when he could speak. "I'm not afraid to let you risk the effort. And when I come back from France " "When you come back from France you'll come back to your wife," she told him steadily. "If you're going, I'll marry you before you go. Then I'll wait and pray, and pray and wait, till you come again. And you will come back to me," she whispered.

She lifted his head to her bosom and laid her cheek upon his and said all the comforting things that came into her heart. She begged him to let her wash his wound and to tell her how he came by it. She forgot everything, except that she loved him and told him over and over the sweet confession. At last he found strength to speak to her brokenly. "Never love me any more, Betty.

While waiting for death he had utterly forgotten it; he remembered now, when life gleamed in the girl's dark eyes. Passionate joy flooded his heart. "Mescal Mescal!" he cried, brokenly. The eyes were true that shed this sudden light on him; glad and sweet were the lips that bade him hope and live again.

"If you desire to keep this a secret too," Edith said, her lips curling scornfully, "of course you are at liberty to do so of course I presume to ask no questions. But if not, I would like to know it may in some measure influence my own movements." "What do you intend to do?" her ladyship brokenly asked. "That you shall hear presently.

Things don't look as hopeless as they did last night." He pointed toward the land. "It looks like heaven, doesn't it?" Her face clouded. "But only a very few of us may " she stopped, shuddering. "You poor little girl!" he cried brokenly. He steadied himself and went on: "It wouldn't surprise me in the least if every blessed one of us got safely ashore." "You do not believe that, Mr. Percival.

Then, no one saying anything: "And there you stand, you and your mother!" And Emily's voice, calm, rather contemptuous: "Come, now, James! Soames will do all that he can." And James, staring at the floor, a little brokenly: "Well, I can't help you; I'm getting old. Don't you be in too great a hurry, my boy." And his mother's voice again: "Soames will do all he can to get her back.

"They'll take me and they'll take Pinto and last of all they'll take the colonel. It is written," he added philosophically. "Why why, what is the matter?" She stood stock-still and was holding on to his arm with both hands. "You mustn't say that, you mustn't say that!" she said brokenly. "It isn't finished for you, Jack. There's a chance to get out, and the colonel has told you there's a chance.