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I tried, however, to disregard such low considerations, and to strike the correct mean between the sublime patriot and the unsanctified incendiary, while I could find no refuge from weak contrition save in greater and greater depths of courtesy; and so melodramatic became our interview that some of the soldiers still maintain that "dem dar ole Secesh women been a-gwine for kiss de Cunnel," before we ended.

Billy looked at Jimmy and giggled, Jimmy looked at Billy and giggled; then, the latter took careful aim and a stream of water hit the old woman squarely in the face. "Who dat? What's yo' doin'?" she yelled, as she backed off. "'I's a-gwine to tell yo' pappy, Jimmy Garner," as she recognized one of the culprits. "Pint dat ar ho'e 'way f'om me, 'fo' I make yo' ma spank yuh slabsided.

Stamps regarded his dirty book affectionately. "'Tain't a-gwine to hurt nothin' to hev it down," he replied, with an air of simplicity. He shut it up, returned it to his pocket, and clasped his hands about his knees, while he fixed his eyes on the glimmer of red showing itself through a crack in a stove-plate.

Gone with the money I paid for the new cottage and its cheap chairs." "Gone, hit ain' gone, fu' ef you won't let on to have it, I will. I'll show dat new man how yo' pa would 'a' did ef he'd 'a' been hyeah." "What, you, Mammy Peggy?" "Yes, me, I ain' a-gwine to let him t'ink dat de Ha'isons didn' have no quality." "Good, mammy, you make me remember who I am, and what my duty is. I shall see Mr.

Hain't we a-gwine ter have a reg'lar A No. 1 spree!" The Life-saving Station was very still. Nos. 3 and 5 had gone out on the eight-o'clock patrol. The seventh man was taking his twenty-four hours off at his home on the shore. The keeper was working over his report in the office.

A man don't make nothin' much by bein' laughed at, I rekin, but he don't lose nothin' nuther, an' that's what I am agin. I rekin ye laugh 'cos I kinder look like a fool an' I hain't nothin' agin thet, nuther, Lord! not by a heap. A man ain't a-gwine to lose nothin' by lookin' like a fool. I hain't never, not a cent, Tom. But I ain't es big a fool es I look, an' I don't 'low ye air, uther.

"I don't know, child! wait a bit and see." They had not long to wait; in a few hours Ishmael was burning with fever and raving with delirium. "This is a-gwine to be a bad job! I'll go and fetch a doctor," said Reuben Gray, hurrying away for the purpose. Reuben's words proved true. It was a "bad job."

Busy as Si had been, he had kept constantly in mind the possibility of Gabe's attempting some mischief, and did not let himself lose sight of the rebel's gun. He quickly rose, and with a few strides, placed himself between Gabe and his gun. "Where are you goin'?" he said sternly. "I'm a-gwine away," replied the man, in terror-stricken accents. "I'm a-gwine away mouty quick.

'Boss, he used to say to the foreman, shivering over the fire, 'ah's got to go home. Ah's subjec' to de rheumatics. Mah fambly's a-gwine to be pow'ful uneasy 'bout me. Dis-a-yere country am no place fo' a po' ol' niggah." Two teams were employed in freighting in the corn, four round trips being required, Joel and Manly assuming the work.

He actually went up to Farmer Brown's henyard in broad daylight, and almost under the nose of Bowser the Hound he caught the pet chicken of Farmer Brown's boy. 'Ol Mistah Buzzard, sailing overhead high up in the blue, blue sky, saw Reddy Fox and shook his bald head: "Ah see Trouble on the way; Yes, Ah do! Yes, Ah do! Hope it ain't a-gwine to stay; Yes, Ah do! Yes, Ah do!