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Cleave, coming into the glow, found only the old negro Jim, squat beside it like a gnome, his eyes upon the jewelled hollows, his lips working. Jim rose. "De gineral, sah? De gineral done sont de staff away ter res'. Fo' de Lawd, de gineral bettah follah dat 'zample! Yaas, sah, ober dar in de big woods." Cleave descended the embankment and entered a heavy wood. A voice spoke Jackson's very curtly.

"Yaas, to be sure I do," drawled Lord Ingram; "and the poor old stick used to cry out 'Oh you villains childs! and then we sermonised her on the presumption of attempting to teach such clever blades as we were, when she was herself so ignorant." Vining the parson in the pip, as we used to call him.

There is no ring on my hand, you rascal!" I said. "Yaas, suh; dey sho' is, Mars' George," he insisted, still chuckling. "I tell you I never wear a ring," I said, impatiently. "'Scuse me, Mars' George, suh," he said, humbly. And, lifting my left hand, laid it in his wrinkled, black palm, peering closely.

"Yaas sonnies," said Charlie Burroughs, of the Third Michigan, in that nasal Yankee drawl, that he always assumed, when he wanted to say anything very cutting; "you trundle bed soldiers who've never seen a real wild Yankee don't know how different they are from the kind that are starved down to tameness.

"And the theory is sound about the seaweed and the strawberries; just as his old notion of getting a green rose by pouring sulphate of copper in at the roots." "Yaäs, that were another pretty thing, Maäster Harry, and he had the tin labels all printed out in French, and he waited and waited, and there bain't a fairly güde rose left in the garden.

"Oh, you can hear it all right," said Tom, as he approached the motor, which was mounted on a testing block. "The thing isn't perfected yet, but I hope to have it soon. Rad! Where is that black rascal? Oh, there you are! Come here, Rad!" "Yaas sah, Massa Tom! Is I gwine to help yo' all in dish yeah job?" "Yes. Just take hold of this lever, and when I say so pull it as hard as you can."

"He's a runaway, Mocket says, but I'll cure him of that! He's strong as an ox and as limber as a snake." Taking the negro's hand in his, he bent the fingers back. "Look at that! easy as a willow! He'll strip tobacco! His name is Joab." The namesake of a prince in Israel looked blithely upon his new family. "Yaas, marster," he said, with candour. "Dat is my name dat sho' is! Jes' Joab.

Deliver the box at her door as if it came from some one outside. Do that and keep the change. Understand?" "Yaas, sah!" The boy's eyes and teeth were shining. "All right. Go to it. I'll drop in later this afternoon for your report." Laurie turned and walked away. Even yet the experience did not seem real.

His face was black as ebony while his teeth were pearly white. His grin was expansive. "'Deed Boss, I'se powerful glad to see you," he began. "Shut up," commanded Lopez. "Take this sheep and get some supper on the way just as quick as you can and not a word out of your head. I want you to get supper and I'll do the talkin'. Hear?" "Yaas, sir, Boss. I done hear you. I sure can get supper."

She had carefully inspected the plantains, and seeing that they were good and wholesome, was inclined to agree with anything Mr. Baptiste said. He grew excited. "Yaas, dose cotton-yardmans, dose 'longsho'mans, dey go out on one strik'. Dey t'row down dey tool an' say dey work no mo' wid niggers. Les veseaux, dey lay in de river, no work, no cargo, yaas.