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After dinner I found occasion of sending him abroad, and then alone 'avec elle je tentais a faire ce que je voudrais et contre sa force je le faisais biens que passe a mon contentment'. By and by he coming back again I took leave and walked home, and then there to dinner, where Dr. Fayrebrother come to see me and Luellin.

The words of a song, sung carelessly in a clear, girlish voice, came to us from beyond. "Je voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai qrand' peur de me tromper: Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper: Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lurette, Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lure." "We have come at the very zenith of opportunity," I whispered. "Hush!" he said.

Il m'invita un jour a diner a son club et au moment de me faire asseoir a cote de lui, il me retint et me dit: 'Je voudrais vous demander de m'accorder quelque chose. C'est mon sentiment que nos relations ne peuvent pas se bien continuer si vous ne me donnez pas la permission de vous tutoyer.

Je deviens par trop dependant de toi, je voudrais etre plus fort et pourtant je crois qu'on est plus heureux etant triste a cause d'une separation d'avec la femme aimee que si l'on etait insensible a cette separation. Allons! je ne voudrais pas vendre ma tristesse pour beaucoup! elle s'en ira le jour ou je te verrai; en attendant je la garde volontiers."

"How beautiful!" said I, looking the lady full in the face. "Comment?" said the lady inquiringly. "Il dit que vous etes belle comme un ange," said Francis Ardry emphatically. "Mais a la bonne heure! arretez, mon ami," said the lady to Francis Ardry, who was about to drive off; "je voudrais bien causer un moment avec lui; arretez, il est delicieux.

But this I did make good use of to make my wife shift sides with me, and I did come to sit 'avec' Betty Michell, and there had her 'main', which 'elle' did give me very frankly now, and did hazer whatever I 'voudrais avec la', which did 'plaisir' me 'grandement', and so set her at home with my mind mighty glad of what I have prevailed for so far; and so home, and to the office, and did my business there, and then home to supper, and after to set some things right in my chamber, and so to bed.

It has to be noted that both in the armistice and in the peace treaty the most serious decisions were arrived at almost incidentally; moreover they were always vitiated by slight concessions apparently of importance. On November 2, 1917, when the representatives of the different nations met at Paris to fix the terms of armistice, M. Tardieu relates, the question of reparation for damages was decided quite incidentally. It is worth while reproducing what he says in his book, taken from the official report: M. CLEMENCEAU: Je voudrais venir maintenant sur la question des réparations et des tonnages. On ne comprenderait pas chez nous, en France, que nous n'inscrivions pas dans l'armistice une clause

Her jewel-box stood open, to receive the jewels she wore to-night. She went very calmly to it. There, in a corner of the topmost tray, rested the two great white pearls the pearls which, in one way and another, had meant so much to her. "Melisande!" "Mademoiselle?" "When we go to Paris, would you like to make a little present to your fiance?" "Je voudrais bien, mademoiselle."

But this I did make good use of to make my wife shift sides with me, and I did come to sit 'avec' Betty Michell, and there had her 'main', which 'elle' did give me very frankly now, and did hazer whatever I 'voudrais avec la', which did 'plaisir' me 'grandement', and so set her at home with my mind mighty glad of what I have prevailed for so far; and so home, and to the office, and did my business there, and then home to supper, and after to set some things right in my chamber, and so to bed.

Je voudrais embrasser votre cuisinier c'est un artiste comme il n'y a pas?" "Ve," replied Mrs Turnbull. The first course was removed; and the second, after some delay, made its appearance. In the interim, Mr Mortimer handed round one or two varieties of wine. "Drummond, will you take a glass of wine with me?" said Mr Turnbull. "I hate your sour French wines. Will you take Madeira?