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He was about to add that they would remain aboard the vessel, but caught himself and for no accountable reason answered: "We were figuring on going uptown after supper. If you happen to be in this part of the yard you might keep an eye on the little wagon. "And, by the way," he added, "here's a piece of change for your trouble. It's not much, but if you try hard you can spend it.

Don't risk recognition while the chase is hot. Go uptown somewhere to any hotel you like, and stay there in your room. You can go to work just as well from there in the morning. Got any money?" "Yes," said Klanner slowly. "Yes, I got some money and I guess you're right. Say, who are you anyway? You seem to have a line on this sort of thing, and I guess I owe you a whole skin. If you hadn't "

Two hours later he returned to the store, for he had seized the opportunity of visiting some of the firm's retail trade while uptown, and when he came in he found Abe sorting a pile of misses' reefers. "Well, Mawruss," Abe cried, "you look worried." "I bet you I'm worried, Abe," he said. "You and your wife's relations done it. Two thousand dollars thrown away in the street.

And in his little peaked face there was much that was threatening to the ultimate welfare of the legless beggar. Barbara, ordinarily clear-minded and single-minded, drove uptown with her thoughts in a state of chaos.

Indeed having blasted every familiar landmark he was utterly and hopelessly lost. He couldn't imagine how he was ever to find his way back to Lynda, and yet they would have to meet have to consider. Lynda, after leaving her workshop, had only one desire she wanted Betty more than she wanted anything else. She put on her hat and coat and started headlong for her brother's apartment farther uptown.

Some one must 'a' slipped up on his job, looks like. Where are the stockyards?" Sanders asked. The conductor was a small, middle-aged man who made it his business to get along with everybody he could. He had distinctly refused to pick up his predecessor's quarrel with Dave. Now he stopped and scratched his head. "Too bad. Can't you go uptown and 'phone out to the stockyards?

The discord and clatter uptown offended his nice ear; so a friend had sent him to this oasis in the desert of noise. Ramonti, with his still youthful face, his dark eyebrows, his short, pointed, foreign, brown beard, his distinguished head of gray hair, and his artist's temperament revealed in his light, gay and sympathetic manner was a welcome tenant in the old house near Abingdon Square.

"Let me see," he said, trying to collect his scattered recollection. "I went to sleep in a house uptown a house to which Curtis Waring lured me, and then made me a prisoner. The house was somewhere near One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street. Now it seems as if I was on board a ship. How could I get here? I wish somebody would come in that I could ask."

Suddenly he was conscious of his violin being forcibly snatched from under his arm. He turned quickly, and thought he recognized Tim Rafferty, to whom the reader was introduced in the third chapter of this story. To account for Phil's unexpected loss, I must explain that Tim Rafferty, whose ordinary place of business was in or near the City Hall Park, had been sent uptown on an errand.

Afterward, when he began to be careless in his dress, and the fashion of serenading had passed away, the commoner people dared to shorten the title to "'Sieur George." Many seasons came and went. The city changed like a growing boy; gentility and fashion went uptown, but 'Sieur George still retained his rooms.