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I saw that it was up with us, so far as the old uns were concerned; and it might be worth while to find out if the young uns really were dead." "Then you did not know that after all! I thought so. Oh, Jerry!" "Why, look you, man, it was not our interest to take their side if we could make our bargain out of the other. 'Cause why?

"Now, if you'll be so kind, please take off yer preacher's coat and shirt; and if you find de weather too cold for comfort, we uns will put on anudder coat which will keep out de air," remarked Wiles. "A matter of necessity need not be discussed," said the traveler, and with this remark he pulled off his long clerical outer garment.

Then he honoured Uns al-Wujud with favours and bounties and sent to King Shamikh acquainting him with what had befallen, whereat this King joyed with exceeding joy and wrote back the following purport. "Since the ceremony of contract hath been performed at thy court, it behoveth that the marriage and its consummation be at mine."

"I say, Ike," I said suddenly, as I was in the middle of my breakfast, "I wish I could make haste and grow into a man." "Do you, now?" he said with a derisive laugh. "Ah! I shouldn't wonder. If you'd been a man I s'pose you'd have pitched all those rough uns out o' window, eh?" "I should have liked to be able to take care of myself," I said. "Without old Ike, eh, my lad?"

"Now inter ther hole with ye, Jed Bungay you an' yer dorgs," she panted furiously. "An' you uns foller him. I reckon I 'm able ter handle thet lot out thar, even if it should be Red Lowrie an' his gang." Catching firm hold of Mrs. Brennan's hand I sprang down the single step and closed the door tight behind us.

He charged down upon the granary, his wife, with a shawl over her head, close behind. She peered in, apprehensively at first, then with eyes of widening wonder. "Why, Peter!" she said, turning to him. "Why, Peter! What does I thought " "You thought!" he broke in. "Me, too. But it ain't so. It means that we've got some of the best neighbours that ever was, a thinkin' of our young 'uns this way!

There were a two-three big lads amang 'em, but most on 'em were lile uns, an' yan were lame i' t' leg. They called him Doed o' Billy's o' Claypit Lane. Well, t' lads had gotten a seet o' nuts, an' then they set off home as fast as they could gan, for 'twere gettin' a bit dosky i' t' wood. But lile Doed couldn't keep up wi' t' other lads on account o' his gam leg.

With this statement, Tessibel rose and finished, "Get off'n that bed, Daddy. I air goin' to begin rippin' the tick now. If them deputies be comin' down the lake, us uns got to be ready.... It's only straw, ye know, Andy, an' awful soft. I'll fix yer head so it'll hang out a little. Then ye can breathe."

And in another instant, the small lad was pushed, dragged, pulled, thrust, stuffed into the hole, before he had time to recover himself, and Gavroche, entering behind him, and repulsing the ladder with a kick which sent it flat on the grass, began to clap his hands and to cry: "Here we are! Long live General Lafayette!" This explosion over, he added: "Now, young 'uns, you are in my house."

"Give these on Christmas Day to the woman at the dismal hut, and a merry Christmas to you all." "Ay, ay," said the Trapper, "it shall be did, barrin' accident, as ye say; and a merry Christmas it'll make fur us all. Lord-a-massy! what will the poor woman say when she and her leetle uns git these warm garments on?