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"Ah! venir ici de Paris, c'est tomber du ciel

"That is not Freedom as I understand it," piped the little man, and one believed him, but could not refrain from murmuring with the poet: C'est que la Liberte n'est pas une comtesse Du noble Faubourg St. Germain, Une femme qu'un cri fait tomber en faiblesse, Qui met du blanc et du carmin; C'est une forte femme.

LA sante de l'ame n'est pas plus assuree que celle du corps; et quoique l'on paraisse eloigne des passions, on n'est pas moins en danger de s'y laisser emporter que de tomber malade quand on se porte bien.* LA ROCHEFOUCAULD.

The door fast shut, Countess Fanny kissed her hand to them and drew up the window, seeming merry, and as they had expected indignation and perhaps resistance, for she could be a spitfire in a temper and had no fear whatever of firearms, they were glad to have her safe on such good terms; and so General Abrane jumped up on the box beside the coachman, Jack Potts jumped up between the footmen, and Sir Upton Tomber and the one-armed lord, as soon as the carriage was disengaged from the ruck two deep, walked on each side of it in the road all the way to Lord Cressett's town house.

La bruiere Vous devez peut ete La connoitre; si cela est, je vous prie de me le Marquer et d'y remedier au plutot. Enfin Mademoiselle vous me faites tomber des nues et les pauvretes que vous me marquez sont a mepriser. Elles ne peuvent venir que de cette tante, ce sont des couleurs qui ne peuvent jaimais prendre.

J'ai vu sous le soleil tomber bien d'autres choses Que les feuilles des bois, et l'écume des eaux, Bien d'autres s'en aller que le parfum des roses Et le chant des oiseaux. That wind meant more snow. Involuntarily she laid down her book and listened to it. How like the sound of the wind was to wandering footsteps, slowly drawing near, creeping round the house.

During the anxious suspense we were in, the servants had rushed into the room with horror in their countenances, exclaiming, “Oh, mesdames, le château va tomber, et nous serons écrasées!” “Peace,” said the elder countess; “remain where you are.” By the time she had spoken the trembling ceased, nor had we another shock. After a short interval we resumed our conversation as if nothing had occurred.

A nous défendre toujours prompt, Il frappe le superbe front De la troupe ennemie; On verra tomber sous ses coups Ceux qui provoquent son courroux Par leur méchante vie." This was the "Marseillaise" of the Camisards, their war-song in many battles, sung by them as a pas de charge to the music of Goudimal.

Present with him in the street and witness to the shutting of the carriage-door on Countess Fanny, were brother officers of his, General Abrane, Colonel Jack Potts, and Sir Upton Tomber.

Ainsi vous disiez tous le climat dont vous êtes, Devant ces arbres morts que vous consideriez, Et moi, voyant tomber tant de jeunes poètes, Hélas, combien de fois j'ai crié: "Les lauriers!" I love it. Yet I don't quite agree with the beautiful turning at the end, because the laurels of the soldier-poets aren't really dead, nor can they ever die.