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When everything had been put right, and the carriage had been brought back to the road, Levin had the lunch served. "Bon appétit bonne conscience! Ce poulet va tomber jusqu'au fond de mes bottes," Vassenka, who had recovered his spirits, quoted the French saying as he finished his second chicken. "Well, now our troubles are over, now everything's going to go well.

Then, when the Chasseurs finally withdrew, the Bavarian troops rushed up the town in a state of furious excitement, burning it systematically as they advanced, and treating the inhabitants as M. Mirman has described. Soon Soeur Julie knew that they were coming up the hill towards the hospital. I will quote the very language homely, Biblical, direct in which she described her feelings. "Mes reins flottaient comme ça ils allaient tomber

LA sante de l'ame n'est pas plus assuree que celle du corps; et quoique l'on paraisse eloigne des passions, on n'est pas moins en danger de s'y laisser emporter que de tomber malade quand on se porte bien.* LA ROCHEFOUCAULD.

Antoine; car je crains toujours le risque de tomber sur l'escalier en sortant et je me trouve entre l'espérance et la crainte une situation bien désagréable! Si vous n'éties pas grosse, je craignerais moins mais abandonons cette idée triste! Le ciel aura eu certainement soin de ma chère Stanza Maria!... "I have this moment received your dear letter, and find that you are well and in good spirits.