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For he knew, at this season of the spring round-up, that many thousands of dollars, from the sale of cattle, were often kept in his father's safe. "But go ahead, Buck! Tell us more about it. Step on her! Give her the gas! Open the throttle!" "Hu?" grunted the Zuni, questioningly. "I step on somet'ing?" "You're only mixing him up!" declared Nort "Let him take his own time, Bud."

Rendered desperate now, Peter the Great started forward with glaring eyes. "Massa," he said, "an idea hab just struck me. Will you come out a momint? I wants to tell you somet'ing bery hard." The appearance, not less than the earnestness, of the negro, inclined Osman to comply with his request; but, hesitating, he said "Why not tell me here, Peter? We are all friends, you know."

I think I not good mother to you; if I was good mother I would give you your child; make the sun come in your face. To-day I make last fight to keep the child. She's mine so long, I want her till I die. Then somet'ing in my heart say, 'He's like son to you, as if he your own boy; make him glad happy. Oh, ver' glad! Be like his own mother. Find him his baby."

"I don't see anything," replied Christy. "No, sar, not yet; but look ober dat way, and you see somet'ing fo' yore t'ree minutes older, massa." Christy fixed his gaze on the point of the long key, beyond which Quimp intimated that the steamer would be seen.

A few minutes later he returned with a white face and staring eyes. "You come," he half-whispered, from the doorway. "Aye see somet'ing." "What is it?" questioned Marsh. "Aye don't know Aye only tenk come quick!" "Go ahead," said Marsh, "we'll follow," and with Nels leading the way they all climbed the stairs. Nels had turned on the electric lights in the halls.

Here was the regulation swallow-tail coat and trousers of green, the striped red vest, and the polished brass buttons; but the man inside was too much for him. "Diable! you luke right. But, no, I can not explain. Eet ees on zee tongue, but eet rayfuse. Ha! I haf eet! You lack vot zay call zee real. You make me t'ink uf zee sairvant on zee stage, somet'ing bettair off; eh?"

Nor, it soon appeared, was she ever talkative. The second day, too, she spoke but once, which was when a sudden heavy shower swept down from the hills and caught her some distance from the wagons, helping to drive the cattle. Then, although she was drenched, she only said: "It make down somet'ing, I t'ink!" For this taciturnity her husband was devoutly thankful.

"I wish, however, we could find something to put into them and cook," I could not help saying. Soon after, we had reached the beach where we had landed. We found the sand soft and fine. Macco looked about, and then exclaimed, "Ha, ha! here's somet'ing;" and he began digging away with the bamboo spade. In a short time he produced a couple of turtle's eggs: we hunted, and soon found several more.

"Hims got leettle out ob sorts," said the sympathetic Ebony, suggesting a milder state of things. As Orlando did not appear to derive much consolation from the suggestion, Ebony held his tongue for a few minutes. Presently his attention was attracted to a sound in the underwood near them. "Hist! Massa Orley. I hear somet'ing."

Le' um look 'bout um, and see wha' he want; and ef you wants to be friendly wid um, gee um somet'ing youse'f dat knife burn bright in he eye! Gee um dat, and le's be moving! Maussa da wait! Ef you's a coming for trade in we country, you mus' drop de little bizness 'taint 'spectable in Car'lina." The pedler was rebuked. He looked first at Cæsar, then at Chub, and finally handed the boy the knife.