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"So I sorter reckoned from what I heerd; but ye need n't rip the shirt off ye on thet account. The feller can't git in thar till after daylight, nohow. Them sojers is too blame skeered ter open the gates in the dark, an' all the critter 'll git if he tries it will be a volley o' lead; so ye might just as well take it easylike." The old man's philosophy seemed sound.

I am not as gifted a man as HENRY WARD BEECHER. Even the congregation of Plymouth Meetin'-House in Brooklyn will admit that. Yes, I should think so. But while I don't have the slitest idee as to what the review was fur, I will state that the sojers looked pooty scrumptious in their red and green close. Come with me, jentle reader, to Quebeck.

"How far?" I whispered. Joeboy shook his head, and seemed to feel puzzled how to answer the question. At last he raised his face and whispered, as he pointed forward: "Far as two sojers over dah," he said, "and far again." "Twice as far as the advance-guard," I interpreted his words to mean. At that moment the Colonel rode up, and Denham repeated the black's words.

The gold is expected to arrive in the town to-morrow evening, and if it does, it'll be got aboard the day after to-morrow; and next day three hundred sojers is to be marched aboard of her, and she'll then sail for Europe!" "Three hundred soldiers!" exclaimed I incredulously. "No wonder that they consider the vessel capable of making her way home without a convoy!"

She can parley-voo a good 'un and foot it, as it goes; been in France a couple of year. I prefer the singin' of 't to the talkin' of 't. Come, Luce! toon up eh? Ye wun't? That song abort the Viffendeer a female" Farmer Blaize volunteered the translation of the title "who wears the you guess what! and marches along with the French sojers: a pretty brazen bit o' goods, I sh'd fancy."

'Quite right of you, then, to speak, said Mr. Torkingham. 'Don't mind explaining; we are here for practice. Now clear your throats, then, and at it again. There was a noise as of atmospheric hoes and scrapers, and the bass contingent at last got under way with a time of its own: 'Honwerd, Christen sojers! 'Ah, that's where we are so defective the pronunciation, interrupted the parson.

I questioned, almost guessing his meaning as a pungent odor assailed my nostrils. "That smells like rum!" "'T is rum. Dern if ever I see whar the A'mighty finds so many blame idjits ter make sojers of! Them ar' fellers in the Fort wer n't in tight 'nough pickle, with a thousand savages howlin' 'bout 'em, so they 've went an' poured all their liquor inter the river!

"I was ten years old at de Surrender, but I took notice. Dem was scarey times an' when you is scared you takes trigger-notice. It was nex' to de las' year o' de War 'fore Sherman got to Mer-ree-dian not Sherman hisse'f but his sojers. Dey burnt up dat big house on Eighth Street hill an' built camps for de sojers in de flower garden. De cap'ns went an' live at Marse Greer's house.

I've had your supper ready, and I've sat waiting for you these two nights, I knew rightly that it was here you'd come first." "Where is my father?" "He's gone, Master Neal. The sojers came and took him, but he bid me tell you not to be afeard or taking on about him. He was thinking they'd send him across the sea, maybe to Scotland, he said, but they wouldna hurt him.

But it wasn't well to have strange men about the place, least of all sojers, for they never learned no good. The mention of strange men about the place of course brought back the subject of the idiot, and then the thought occurred to one of the women that he might be the deserter in question.